
I can't watch the video, but it does kind of matter how this is structured. Do women volunteer to be in this draft pool? Are the boys doing the draft for the right to ask girls first, thus avoiding the awkwardness of a bunch of them asking the same person? If someone "drafts" the girl I like before me, what's

Banning fraternities because people get raped in them is like banning high schools because people get shot in them. Fraternities don't rape people, people rape people.

I hope that it will only come in the color scheme from that picture. Only black can convey how terrifying such a car should be.

Zac Efron looks … not terrible as a girl. I'm conflicted.

That is freaking adorable. I want to be friends with it.

Colin Kaepernick is being investigated for his tangential involvement in a situation that, so far, was neither sexual or violent. Thus far, all we know is that a woman fell asleep naked in a room near some athletes and woke up in a hospital, and that one of the athletes called the police to get them to come get the

My gut tells me that the Fiat will be slightly prettier, slightly less sporty, and with slightly more features. Friendlier to the non-purist. Which I like.

The issue is not making fun of this particular asshole. I am completely on board with making fun of this particular asshole. The issue is saying that he looks "exactly how you'd expect." The bigger issue is saying that anyone, in any context looks "exactly how you'd expect." By saying that someone who did behavior

You are not paying attention. Recently, Dr. Janice Fiamengo (a woman) was due to deliver a lecture at the University of Ottawa "about men's issues and the double standards of feminism." Protestors from a group called "Feminists and Friends" hijacked the event, pounded on desks, blew horns, and eventually pulled the

Of course he IS a douche, I'm not arguing that. My point is that if there was an article entitled "Woman Arrested For Disrupting Lecture On Men's Rights Looks Exactly Like You'd Expect," there'd be riots on a site like this.

This just in: stereotyping based on appearance is fine if you don't like someone.

A quick reminder for everyone:

Actually, movies and TV shows pretty rarely feature STILL life, so as long as you stick to moving media only, you'll be ok. Alternative 2: remove your eyeballs, so that you can never be offended by any photograph (or type or genre of photography) again. Alternative 3: make a writing career of something other than

If still life photography (in a medium you don't particularly care for) makes you want to quit the internet, then you should have quit a LONG time ago.

Love the little shout-out to the Flying Spaghetti Monster in the correlation vs. causation section.

You know some car washes just spray soap and water, right? No brushes. Also, loving and appreciating your car does not necessarily mean keeping the pain in sparkly mint condition.

I believe the phrase "I fucking told you so" is appropriate here.

Why is everyone ok with the assumption that women have "astoundingly low self esteem"? Isn't that insulting?

Translation: I can't come up with a logical defense of my "100% not okay" accusation, so I'll just blame it on epistemological difference.