
Stop calling this "super rare." It's been happening every six months for billions of years.

Why don't they rise/dissipate like a normal smoke ring?

I know numbers are not your friends here, but "a little chicken" is hardly a meaningful assessment. A can of Coke has several dozen ingredients, but it's still more than 99% water. Without some sort of quantification of how much chicken is in these, this has provided no useful information whatsoever.

If the ability to objectively review plays is making the game more complicated because the umps don't know what they're looking for, the replay system IS NOT THE PROBLEM. If a sideline catch in the NFL was being reviewed, but no one had a definitive answer as to whether the receiver needed both feet inbounds, or

Plants grow by using carbon dioxide and water to make carbohydrates and oxygen. If there is more plant matter now than there was at the beginning, then there must be less water in the bottle. Now, I don't know how much biomass a plant can make out of two pints of water, and it obviously varies from plant to plant,

Is it even worth mentioning that killing four people is not a commensurate reaction?

Literally just took this two days ago through a friend's telescope. Thought you'd stolen my picture.

Those nine-pointers really add up.

You must be new here. All athletes are rapists, and if a woman doesn't remember what happened, she was raped, and if a woman was asleep near a man, she was raped, and the word "alleged" means the same as "convicted." There, now you're caught up.

If this had been men forcing women to take body shots and eat dog food, you'd be losing your collective minds. But since it's men, it's "kind of funny." I'm sure this is different because reasons, something something institutionalized power imbalance etc, but seriously.

Eisenhower Tunnel: 11,158
Pikes Peak (can't believe you missed this one): 14,114
Loveland Pass: 11,991
Independence Pass: 12,096
Red Mountain Pass: 11,017 (no guardrails)
Iceberg Pass: 11,827
Trail Ridge Road: 12,183
Fall River Pass: 11,796
Hoosier Pass: 11,542
Fremont Pass: 11,318
Berthoud Pass: 11,307
Monarch Pass: 11,312

Stall when the light turns green.

So instead of instant messaging through Facebook, you'll now have to instant message through Facebook? You poor things.

You could also shoot from a distance at a very high resolution and then just crop in on the part you want in post.

TLDR: Because people are fucking idiots.

Unless, of course, he's not guilty of premeditated murder, the crime of which he is accused. Accidentally killing someone is not the same, under the law, as doing it on purpose.

Agreed, it's not easy to visualize. But when you read enough about astronomy and get used to numbers along the lines of 10^11 solar masses, 10^15 stands out. It's not a super accessible system, but it makes scientific sense.

WHY are there like 40 of them on the field?

If you're famous and fall asleep in public, people are going to take pictures of you. Even if you're not famous and fall asleep in public, sometimes people take pictures of you.

Wouldn't surprise me if they were tricked. Inga Calvin is a professor on the Maya whose class I took at CU, and she appeared in one of those moronic "apocalypse" specials on the History Channel saying something entirely benign like "the Maya had a base-19 calendar." Then they get to slap "Inga Calvin, Ph.D., Author