
A black man walks into your store, sees that you're white, feels uncomfortable, leaves, and then sues you for discrimination based on race.

If only there existed places in the world that are not New York City…

I'm sorry, but classifying by visual similarities is far lazier, as it ignores the fact that genetic differences/similarities are often not reflected in the appearance of the animal. For decades, biologists thought that the male and female coati were different species because they looked different and were rarely

Fusion isn't an explosion, nor is it combustion.

I think the video is synced to the moment they cross the 40, which is where the camera is. The disparity is when the guy actually starts running. Is it his first hint of forward motion? Is it when he crosses some sort of laser timing beam, when his hand leaves the ground, when his back foot leaves the ground, etc.

The videos aren't correctly synced. It's hard to line up frames exactly like that, and the times reported by the NFL Network are unofficial — timed by an actual human with a stopwatch. They qualify the crap out of it when they're announcing, but the official times are usually off.

If she believes that hypnotherapy can lower her IQ (or do anything), her IQ is already low enough.

I thought all reddit users were pedophiles and rapists and perverts. Is it possible that there are a variety of people on the site?

"even if asked about it" is a bit much. If someone asks you why you have a tattoo, it's not at all douchey to answer the question, it's called interacting with humans in a normal human fashion.

If I wrote to an engineer and asked them to explain why I can't just shove wood in the gas tank and run my car on that, they'd ignore me too. They must have seen this and thought he was kidding.

Actually, it's megasiemens. Which is a real unit that measures electrical conductance, is expressed as "S," and has precisely zero relevance here.

I know they script a lot of it, but that lap looked slow as shit. It just has too much power to put on the road, and you could see Stig having to fight to keep it from sliding the whole time. Unless we think he drove slower on purpose for some kind of vendetta, it does actually behave that badly in the rain.

Apparently this is more contentious than I thought. I asked my WoW friend, and he says 3 fingers for WoW, 2 for StarCraft, 2 for most shooters, coin toss for Diablo. I also found forum threads on the subject on basically every game forum I checked. The Diablo forum seems like basically a wash. The MMO champion

The inventor of the format says it's "jif," and since he invented it, technically that's the way it should be pronounced.

Really? "Real" gamers? I'm glad you were able to work an insult into this otherwise friendly discussion of gaming styles.

There is a vaccine called the "pneumonia vaccine," but it is in reality directed at several strains of pneumococcal bacteria. There are many other ways to contract pneumonia — including, as I mentioned, allergies and air pollution — and no way to vaccinate for them all.

Hawaii gets lumped in with Australia and all those islands.

I'm not insulting anyone, just speaking from experience. The right click button is usually far more important than the scroll wheel, and I've never seen a gamer that didn't click the right mouse button with their middle finger.

1) this was a geomagnetic storm. That's why it was moving so fast in real time.

Middle finger on the scroll wheel = never played a PC game in her life.