
Too big to set sail? Sounds like it was too big to dock. Setting sail is the only thing it could do.

Hadn't thought of that, but it totally makes sense.

He's right. If one side of the head of the arrow is vertical, and the other is at 45º, then the shaft splits the difference at 22.5º. That means the whole arrow is 22.5º off vertical.

So now "zero dollars" is worse than "more than zero dollars"?

Black might work in a theater in terms of the perspective, but they'd still be annoying.

People (you) have to stop with this "even when it's completely dark out" crap. All night vision that is not thermal, which is most of it, works by amplifying existing light. None of them work in total darkness.

"basically destroys all laws of physics and gravity" is not the same as "works out a lot more than you."

They're unlabeled because I used the same colors and categories as their chart, and I didn't use numbers because the point was to show that the slices of corresponding colors are actually very close in share. Sorry if that was too tenuous a leap for you. And I also didn't think it was too much a stretch to use

On the left is NY Fashion Week, on the right is US demographics. You may want to give a little context when you complain about underrepresentation.

I predict an article on Jez complaining about the casting decision, no matter who's chosen.

It seems like people have been doing "the first [something]" at the Winter X-Games every year for ten years. And I'm sure if you'd asked the medalists ten years ago if they could imagine doing what this year's guys do, they'd have said no, just as I'm sure the first guy to do a triple axel thought a quad would be

Single people would be watching porn anyway, and couples who might otherwise be watching porn aren't. This is not at all surprising.

Verbing weirds words.

I know that's not the concept art in question, but doesn't the MF look a little too clean in that shot? Seems like it should be a little more war-weary. Do you happen to know where that shot came from?

Let's just get this straight:

Right now they can only produce German chemists, but as the technology progresses, who knows?

Under Armor has suffered the same unfortunate fate of Tapout. Tapout makes great gear for MMA, and is indeed still worn by a lot of MMA fighters, but was quickly co-opted by people who want to look like they do MMA.

It's not required, and there's a number of reasons he might not have one on here.

First of all, they're not celebrating their 50th anniversary. It's the 50th swimsuit issue, just like someone might celebrate the anniversary of their Fashion Week issue or Super Bowl issue or whatever. The magazine itself has been around for 60 years.

Thanks for clarifying that the Pornhub link is NSFW.