‘The group had positioned itself as the “pro-life” Planned Parenthood...’
‘The group had positioned itself as the “pro-life” Planned Parenthood...’
I never forgot the story I heard on ‘Reveal’ about how welfare block grants were being used for various “relationship counseling” grifts. The same type of people will turn around and scrutinize the cuts of meat a person can buy with an EBT card.
That’s all conservative things are MEANT to do.
Recently, she accused the organization of lying to the people who gave it money and orchestrating federal grants as a “cash grab” to pay executive salaries.
It’s one of those sort of terrible twists of life that those most against abortion are the ones whose parents would have most benefited from having one.
Sounds like yet another reason why the US needs universal healthcare, with government run hospitals.
Don’t forget about the 99-07 run of Passions. That show was bananas.
I’m giving out full-sized Hershey bars, not because I’m rich, but because I have a Costco membership. 60 full-sized packs of candy (reese’s, hershey’s, skittles, starburst) for under $30? Yes, please.
I will take ALL your malt balls, thanks.
I absolutely love Age of Innocence. And you’re right, he should have a better answer on why he doesn’t cast anyone but white guys as leads. If Clint Eastwood’s old crotchety, Republican ass can do it, these guys have no excuses.
Yes, exactly. I’m not a comic book movie fan because I’ve never been into comic books but I was honestly shocked Black Panther wasn’t the consensus Best Picture winner at the Oscars because, in addition to being an audience favorite and a critical darling, its legacy likely will include changing the calculous in…
Man, that’s such a terrible answer. Of course not every film you make has to have a female lead. But if, like Scorsese, you have a pretty free range in what you’re able to make movies about, and over the course of a 50-year-career, you’ve consistently picked men—then you should at least have an answer ready as to why.
You forgot to mention how he stays away from casting minorities too. These old guys have such a narrow perspective on what makes a good movie and which stories are moving, enlightening and interesting. They obviously can’t be bothered to cast non-white actors or explore stories that includes female and minority leads.…
It’s a pretty clear false dichotomy. Black Panther was a Marvel movie, sure. But it was also a grown-up film with something to say about the legacy of racism that was at least as sophisticated as anything Scorsese said in The Departed. Which, last I checked, was the film that Scorsese finally won an Oscar for.
I hate “art” talk because it’s usually coded bullshit.
Are people still buying fur coats in 2019?
But being junior alone is not an indication of doing less work. One can be junior, having just joined, and carrying much of the load. If they don’t make ALL or even AT LEAST MORE THAN THE ONE THEY SINGLED OUT perform, then they are being discriminatory. Because they’re just assuming, based on that measure (whether it…
Can’t find the Archer picture but....
College graduates in the 60s and 70s could work a minimum wage job during the school year and summer and easily pay tuition. 1994-ish was the last year that was possible.
Younger women are happy to learn from older women... when “learning” doesn’t mean sitting down, shutting up, and never questioning their elders. Rather too many of these women have bought in too hard to idea that they’ve automatically aged into the right to be Wise Crones who are always right and have nothing to learn…