
Drastic changes to a medium that has a loyal and steady fanbase as its primary consumer foundation is always a logical option for increasing sales.

The carton really makes it. The toys themselves look like Dollar Store knock offs.

I just like my denomination because I found a home after a long search in other churches. I really don’t follow the denominational HQ rhetoric, in the UCC each church has their own authority and the HQ and denominational authority are there just for advice. The local church is the authority, and I am just the moral

I am a pastor. Most people think pastors are strict conservatives focused on rules and strict religious observance. But there are liberal and progressive denominations out there, the exact opposite of the fake Evangelical clones that litter the landscape. We emphasis love, tolerance and acceptance. Most of my time is

Then Ragnarok happens.

It would be cool if its an alternate universe where Barry’s Dad is the Flash and Barry is in jail.

Matter/Energy manipulation. You could do anything, including time and space travel if you had enough control of the power.

And is glamorous. Not putting her down. Others could pull it off as well. But Jones has presence, and I am sure she could carry the acting.

For Justice....

Sorry, this is obligatory

Let’s just see how bad the new Trek is. It better be spectacular or old windbag will just show he is full of hot air. I liked Simon Pegg, I hope he isn’t another ‘I am a geek’ phony like Chris Hardwick who just espoused genre themes to make a paycheck.

This is more CW than Arrow or Flash ever were.

Tierna on the list but no Yuta?

Mmmmm....Edible Tallow. It’s what’s for breakfast.

So they are not going where the second book went? Not yet?

All dead. I guess I have to find another show to watch. So sad.....

Dissection. You forgot dissection. Probably while alive to see how you work. So there’s always that to hope for...

I liked Barbara growling like an animal while trying to kill Leslie. It reminded me of my first wife.

I smell a DC/Warner Bros Plant..........