
Paramount never knew how to handle Star Trek or it's actors. They just waste away what could have been so great.

You forgot this one:

Finally a new design that looks futuristic and visually gorgeous. Nice symbiosis of the two iconic designs instead of just a rehash of elements.

If anything science has shown us in recent years is that undiscovered species exit right under our noses. So how are her beliefs unscientific?

Green aurora on St. Pat's Day?

Makes you wonder if genetics is at work here, we have a predisposed switch that leads to myopia with a lifetime of indoor preference and if carried out over generations would lead to the type of sight degradation or blindness we see in subterranean dwelling animals.

And on the Islamic side, Isis/Isil. I have yet to hear them called a cult, but if we did it might clear up some of the Islamist hysteria surrounding their terror attacks.

As a long time gamer, I do not understand Steam. I use it, but only when I can't get a game outside of Steam. Why use a third person app to play your games? It just seems idiotic and unnecessary, especially in light of the new cryptolocker virus going around steam right now:(…)

Couple things, since I worked in many fields over the years:

Why do I want to take another shower right now?

Ridiculing a worldview of a group and then trying to shame them for being intolerant when they are upset. Yeah....... think you need a broader perspective.

I find realism in characters whose actions and motivations that I can relate to rather than adding conflict be it internal or external just to 'make it seem' more gritty and thus 'realistic'.

Because of TV's sin of not having Weird Al do the Superbowl Halftime show.

Bigotry is never funny when trying to have a constructive discussion.

I have known a lot of people trying to prove the supernatural and get no evidence whatsoever. Yet people going about their daily business get blindsided by the odd and awesome. It seems to behave like light being watched. The observation or in this case the test has an impact on the results.

I am always amazed that people can attack someone's faith beliefs and ridicule them and then applaud their open mindedness.

Nice bigotry

I think another reviewer needs to tackle Gotham for i09, Mr. Bricken you are a great reviewer, but you always seem to take the reviews of this show to far left field. It's almost becoming an Uproxx review.

It looks like he is having an enema.....

The non authoritative utopia. With human nature, it is impossible to have a utopia, and the only way to achieve it would be a benevolent dictatorship which would according to history's evidence only last a generation at most.