
Are you sure that wasn’t in the 1/8 mile?

Sure that wasn’t the 1/8 mile.

I’ve driven many of those cars personally, and can say those numbers are skewed to the low side. My long time daily 84 Colt GTS Turbo used to net 52mpg, never got under 46mpg.

Buying into the BS that is fed on is a purely sheep move. I’m sorry honesty hurts your feelings.

BAHAHAHA. Dude goes to a GOVT website to check mileage.

Caitlin Hixx. Not upset that I searched for that. Very nice.

Did you actually take the time to look through those, or just saying no because it proves you wrong?

They’re bullet-proof, they can also handle modding.

Keep thinking that.

Reverse drop if you lack hp.

Hand brake makes FWD drifty. Also makes for great smokey burnouts.

Are you concerned that your want for mileage will be ruined when you find out your helping to destroy our planet by buying one?

Except the Iron duke was a damn good engine.

There’s a reason we have 2 minis and a Crew Cab truck. They’re all capable and easy to use. No need to fold a seat down to get in, no climbing around, just open the door and get in.

You missed one:

This has been my experience in any Off-Road Racing. Everyone helps everyone, because they want the competition.

That image is from around the Plant that produces Prius batteries, FYI.

And if you look around, the info you’ve found has been proven myth somewhere, what makes it any more credible?

Mom’s calling.

Believe what you want, images of the factory producing the batteries shows the truth. Just remember, anyone can debunk anything.