
@Superlocke: Maybe for a 3 or 6 month delay. A 2 year delay game? That's a sequel.

Minority Report? Seems more like 1984

btw you can get the stupid hats on ebay

@The Curse of Millhaven: I don't see how it's fair to group, for example, "white people" when the group has a long history of inter-discrimination.

races are made up

@RedCarmine: That's why Fester's Quest was such a hit.

@RedCarmine: I know it's the original and all but the slingshot is a much better mechanic than the catapult. I can figure out the firing angle so much more easily.

Nintendo of AMERICA President. Meaning regional director. Meaning not in charge of what gets made

It's called THE INTERNET. Wii already has it

Damn. Im surprised he was still there



What do the little nipple buttons do? Other than mobile rapelay.

They should really just make this the PSP2. Fragmenting like this is just going to confuse customers

@markedward: These are two different groups of people: people who like fun and people who like computer graphics

Radagast? Sweet jesus this is going to suck more than the two towers.