Ah, Nazis, the greatest video game enemy. You could do over the top, skull-splitting, butt-raping violence and the anti-video game movement might even applaud.
Ah, Nazis, the greatest video game enemy. You could do over the top, skull-splitting, butt-raping violence and the anti-video game movement might even applaud.
Wait. By "both Clintons" do you mean George and Bill, or Bill & Hillary?
Whatever dude, I called Super Street Fighter IV Turbo HD Remix X when they announced Super SFIV.
@fury161: metallo? really? superman could beat metallo in the credits. I'm ok with Luthor if 1) he's a minor character and 2) he's played by clancy brown
oh fucking hell. as long as he's not in charge of the script (xmen 3, anyone) it MIGHT be ok
I love the "Complete" epithet; it implies the original release was Incomplete and all the day 1 buyers got screwed.
small screens are good for puzzle games and sidescrollers. anything with a HUD is doomed
@Revenge_of_Nekojin: gross
@scrapking: That's MIDI. It's stock on almost every keyboard ever.
@Gargus: Desert Storm? I like to think that back then Americans weren't such goddamn cowards.
@Ottery StCatchpole: Boston Public? Must all shows set in Boston feature the city's name in their title?
oh man i'm going to do this with all of my unmentionable body parts
@zåɳzißarlegeпȡ: Ok but I want a stubble and chin-width slider, too.
@ClaudioIphigenia: you can probably find it used for ten bucks and it's fun for two people for a few hours
@Crrash: nah i dont have friends or family but i do have sports resort
comma separated list?! use a UL tag!
Whether it's $250 or $300 that's a lot of money for something I will probably sit on and break.
I'd get it but goddamn I already bought 2 motion+ and I never use them. Next year they'll find a way to cram a nunchuk or something into the wiimote or add the motion doubleplus and I'll feel stupid.
apparently we're all too stupid to know what a goddamn micrometer is? we can guess, at worst