It seems a little arbitrary where they put the prices on that graphic.
It seems a little arbitrary where they put the prices on that graphic.
@endaround: Yeah, right. Pawn shops, used book stores, used record stores all do it.
"Pricing buybacks and sales is complex."
@MrCheatachu: there's no utorrent app for android?
@Michael Scrip: If they introduce a lower plan like ATT there are more potential customers. $15 a month is more reasonable than $30 if you don't use the internet much or have more than one phone on your plan.
So if I sign up now will I get unlimited data?
@Jon: I'm partial to "throw it against the wall and see what sticks"
@geolemon: most schools don't allow you to use cell phones during class
@ifandbut: ughhhh. In the work place people always manage to requisition a calculator or spend $5 and bring one from home, while they spend all day sitting in front of a computer. The right side of the keyboard looks like a calculator and still they fail to grasp it.
@maven2k: Ehhh, it's like having the same version of a book. There are thousands of versions of Huckleberry Finn, but page 83 isn't going to look the same on all of them.
@MagImpalor is a god damn spy.: I don't see why not. Last I heard he was involved in both films.
This review just sounds really whiny. You go on at length about the features you don't like and pass over the ones you do. This is more like something I'd read on someone's personal blog.
This isn't surprising at all. It's general corporate behavior to tune out the things you don't want to hear. I would be surprised if no one at Apple had said anything.
Looks like a reskinned handbrake
I liked it better when all your Google logins weren't connected, and I could be logged into my main Docs account while my second Gmail account was open
@inhuman tsar: It varies. Usually any kind of group noun will be used in the plural rather than singular. Bands generally get the plural, so "Coldplay are" rather than "Coldplay is"
@PurpleFries: you can buy it right now
it ships six months from now? forget it
@strideo: It's all relative. The average American knows Edison's name and not Tesla's. People interested in physics or engineering obviously know a little more about Tesla.
Ah, the "Have No Life" trophy