
Another thing that I found that works:

We should be friends


Makes sense . A friend said my dog has “aged well”.i laughed at him but now this makes sense. She has the best life ever so no wonder

So far haven’t had the right timing so I haven’t actually farted but it still works. I would if I needed to toot and pollute. No shame when ppl are not respecting my personal space

Nope . Not just you.

I fucking hate guys like this.

But what about that recent video of the dude shouting about trump? I don’t think he got kicked off?

I can just picture the bumper stickers these type of people have on their car... lol

That’s so stinkin cute. I love that it’s a reminder of your mom everyday. What a cute tradition

The kids are so little.i feel bad for them after reading this essay if the mom thinks like this. She Reminds me of the neurotic moms on my caseload. Who project their anxiety onto their kids. Theres some moms I have who are are absolutely ridiculous. Can’t see outside their weird worldview and consider other

I’m nervous about what to disclose re:recent case that went no where. But I had a kid tell me. Something happened at the school. Much younger kids. Aaaand nothing happened. I was sick over it.

It would be awesome if there were different terminology used for these positions (survivor vs victim).

I work with trauma cases unfortunately quite often and rarely see “justice”. Collecting evidence is invasive and traumatic. Going to the ER period is scary and overwhelming. Then to deal with a sane interview , all the other bullshit and backlash from the community. This young lady is amazing, I am impressed by her

You don’t know her relationship with the principal- clearly she felt comfortable going to him and that’s great. An adult who can advocate on the kids behalf . It’s not a wasted step. At all. This happens all the time. I’m glad there are adults out there with good relationships with the kids they work with. I hope the

My almamater went co ed right after I graduated. My freshman year they were renting out dorms to another school bc the enrollment rate. I dont remember being told but whatever - I didn’t like the kids bc they were fucking creeps & long story short this school never has nor will they ever receive a cent donated from

I remember this story about this poor girl. She stopped to knock on a door to get help because her car Broke down& the person who answered it shot her- it seemed due to her skin color.

Freedom of Speech is: “the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint” . The flags been burned since it was made pretty much. it only became such a symbolic way to protest in the 60s (I wonder if there was an increase in signage due to media as well ).

I’m confused. Since when is genocide entertaining ?