Because she wants the control. And she’s a dick
Because she wants the control. And she’s a dick
I barely read your post. My anxiety is through the roof. The meds jumped out along with a port and picc line. I have so many questions. I want to be respectful of your pregnancy and your personal life however. I am glad baby didn’t require nicu
Im legit outside smoking and these girls walk by and I said to them that they look so fit, like they just ran a marathon. I look up to bad ass women like this. I need to quit smoking!
A college friend always brings up a time I fell off my bed due to seeing a close up of feet on a small ass dorm tv screen. I’d like to point out we were watching cartoons. In my defense we were most definitely high.
So what changed in that year for the socks to go? Men’s feet are especially fucking repulsive?
I feel you. I am really weird about feet. I often wonder if my shit is partially cultural. I dumped a guy for putting his motherfuckin shoes on my counter once ( there was other shit that was the last straw ) and also yelled at a guy for feet on my pillow. I’m crazy
Why the fuck did you do this to me ? Why the fuck did you do this to yourself ? Why did I do this to myself ? I need a break from the internet.
YES! Julia Roberts!!
Iiiiii have no legs..I have no legs...
Older= sorry I’m not dealing with your shit??
He is so beautiful
This is going to be really hard... So I need to not Google this name. I’m such a curious person though! Ahhh.. fuck. Well, let’s see how long I can hold out.
I thought this was common. I knaw on this shit. Is this not normal ?
Hey now! She made me feel.. alright about my side burns pre- laser senior year/ ‘02 . (Senior year I spent all my hard earned money working at marshalls on electrolysis..)
I have a torn photo (found it later wheni was maybe 10) of me crying. My older brother took it after he and my mom came out from behind a jetty where they were hiding. I wouldn’t leave the beach, so they pretended to leave me there. Lol
With a 2x4?
Lmao!! I do this ! No shoes past the tiled kitchen floor. I’m Persian ( that’s our custom) and on top of that I just redid my hardwood floor when I bought my house. Nope!
But how do you go pee? Seems like a pain, no?
From north east also and also have been told to go in the sun. For like 10 min a day I believe. I also was vitamin d deficient
Thanks for saying what I was thinking