
Personal finance 101: Don’t buy shit you can’t afford.

This, do you know how hard it is to find a split screen racing game these days.

I don’t know how blind a gaming company has to be to not realize that even a complete shit game will bring in boodle of money simply because it is a SPLIT-SCREEN game that more than one person can play on the same TV. Add in it actually being a decent game and you’re raking in millions. Hell Nintendo has been making

I actually disagree there. There are plenty of valid reasons. Amazon stores my payment information, address, and order history. Those make sense. However I have to trust that they are going to make sure that they don’t leak that information to outside sources. In the current state, there is effectively no danger to

There should be laws on the books that dictate that a company that collects and maintains information on individuals is liable to maintain it’s security and proper use. See also, Experian. Otherwise it’s akin to someone collecting volatile chemicals being able to say “oh well!” when they leak. If YOU create the

That is such a stereotype! Please don’t believe everything you read about Canadians.

Are you saying you black out three times a week?

Kevin is a meth cooker in Kentucky now.

The problem is it’s been written in an intentionally vague and simplistic manner. Anyone can have a well-reasoned opinion on it that varies wildly. It’s really up to us to make a meaning of it that fits with our day and age. I’m a gun-owner, but I also see it as a privilege.

so it would make you feel better knowing that the mass murderer obtained his weapons illegally?

You really should watch the Penn and Teller video on the amendment. It explains it right there.

Prohibition was an amendment that got removed by another amendment. See how that works? You try again.

Notice how no one cares if a cat dies on a plane? 🤔

I would love to know which laws are those. Even just one of them.

More people were killed by a truck in France than by any mass shooting.

Not having to shove your dog in the overhead bin isn’t in the bill of rights. It shouldn’t have to be either because that should be basic decency and common sense.

I’d love to see where in his insurance contract they’re supposed to give any kind of damn about his dignity and embarrassment.

The show absence of the Vehicle is not a matter that the Plaintiff should have to repeatedly deal with on a public basis.

If I ever saw this car on display, I’d ask the Doctor, “Hey! Wasn’t this the F40 that you wrapped around a pole?” Then wait to see if he sued the insurer for not being more insistent that he total the car.

...source of inquisitive inquiry...