Jesus Christ, that's not how I expected to start my day.
Jesus Christ, that's not how I expected to start my day.
When you say none of them did anything different, I strongly disagree. They did exactly what they needed to differently to succeed. They were more refined experiences that were expertly crafted by teams of extreme competence and artistic skill. They weren't what I would call contrived, like many games are these…
Not your fault. I didn't find it entertaining or well made either.
That's a chicken and egg argument though. Internet speeds have increased dramatically since Netflix Instant Watch came on the scene, partly because people have demanded a better infrastructure to use that service. 7 years ago, the price of the 50 mbps plan I have now would have gotten me 3 mbps.
That's awesome - I hadn't heard about that, but would love to mess with it.
Yes, they had models at E3, but they are not available for purchase or preorder, and are simply "proof of concept" versions.
Dev kits were not "updated" to 1080p. I contacted Oculus and they said there is only one dev kit, the 720p model. The Oculus HD is not available in any form at this moment.
That's a compelling argument for an online system that requires that. For example; SimCity. I'm not as mad about the whole SimCity thing as others because I do believe they were trying to do something innovative with the cloud there. And it almost worked, but the AI is wonky and kinda stupid. But in theory, a cool…
They knew that the final version would have a higher resolution and bought it anyway.
No need to be sorry, I was just confused by what your point was in regards to the rest of the discussion. I understand and completely agree with what you are trying to say.
You say it isn't about wallet size...but that's what drives the industry.
Fact 1) These aren't really facts, but rather interpretations and opinions. Get off your high horse.
No, that's Lightning Returns. Obviously my made up name is superior.
What? You didn't hear it was now called Final Fantasy XV - Lightning Strikes Again?
Except Microsoft said the Xbox One will work perfectly fine if you chose to unplug the Kinect.
You're already being monitored in your home, from your computers and your mobile phones.
We do live in a free market, as you describe. The only issue is that the market isn't providing consumers with the best product.
Once you sacrifice your rights of your own volition, you can't be surprised that a companies will take advantage of you.
The troll is strong with this one.
Probably the best option would be to let the studio rebrand the game as something else - whether that would be rebooting the Prey brand and just ignoring the existence of the original, or giving a new name entirely, but at least give the studio the ability to make it their own property and expand on it in a way of…