Could we convince him to go a bit higher, and to stream his flight? I’d love to see how flat earthers deny footage of the curvature of the earth obtained by fellow flat earthers.
Could we convince him to go a bit higher, and to stream his flight? I’d love to see how flat earthers deny footage of the curvature of the earth obtained by fellow flat earthers.
Free speech is more important than some kid reading the word Fuck.
I think it could actually benefit from being a streaming series. It can be exactly the length the story needs, rather than a trilogy of extraordinarily long and yet necessarily truncated movies.
I suppose it doesn’t hurt to check less likely stars if we don’t have the tools to check more likely stars. Thanks. :)
Is there any reason why we aren’t focusing on Sol-like stars instead of these red dwarves? From my understanding, the goldilocks zone of a red dwarf is typically subject to far more damaging radiation than that of a larger star.
So what i’m hearing is that you have no idea and are hiding that behind rhetorical questions. Do some actual research before you open your mouth, fool. Do you even know a trans person in real life?
Get out of here with that fake strawman bullshit. Psychological abuse is completely different from having an experienced gender identity different from your biological sex.
“scientific theories are just that, theories”
The customers who are complaining are the ones who don’t realize that it’s for a “different function.”
I’ve seen enough porn to tell you that the strap-on does, in fact stay on.
I guess when you read F papers all your life, a C paper seems like a miracle.
I just saw the movie and got no indication that she was queer. Then I read this article and still got no indication she was queer. What more can I want? Maybe if they didn’t erase her queerness?
I have a lot of black marks for Wonder Woman, slow motion not being principle among them. It’s full of plot holes, WW did stupid things the whole movie but they always worked out, Ares’ mustache worked when he was posing as a British guy but was absolutely stupid otherwise, there was no reason for Steve to die, etc.
“You can’t make this up,” said @jamiseymore, before proceeding to make stuff up.
Only if they are in their parked vehicle.
Much like the effort to get to the moon, this could produce many innovations unrelated to the original pursuit. Medications are often emulsions, perhaps this could be used to extend the shelf life on those medications and make them more available in impoverished, hard to reach locales. Would that be an acceptable use…
I appreciate you explaining the actual merits of the product. I’m not criticizing the product, but the way that the article was written. This author pretends that apples are a new invention and then compares them to oranges. It honestly reads like a sponsored post.
Finger scanning proves itself to be a terrible method of security once again.
There’s usually nobody on hand in case the driver goes haywire, which is statistically far more likely.
Question 8: Firm yes. She both violated the terms of service for Uber and committed a crime. Who cares that it was $5? Even more so, who cares if she did it for thrills or not? It’s not like she’s going to jail, she’s being denied service at a business. That’s their right, and I applaud them for using that right…