I don’t think you really understand what you are advocating for. Republicans are in control right now, the government will keep running. If Democrats walk, then they forfeit any ability to exert influence. It’s also a bad look for the party.
I don’t think you really understand what you are advocating for. Republicans are in control right now, the government will keep running. If Democrats walk, then they forfeit any ability to exert influence. It’s also a bad look for the party.
He also doesn’t like boxing anymore, so... yeah I don’t see it going well for him.
Good article! Another thing to bear in mind with LG is how it relates to a campaign that’s not so clear cut. LGs are strongly non-neutral in alignment, which means they will stick out in a world with many shades of gray.
I haven’t seen this take yet: He knows damn well it was just bald tires, but he needed an excuse to trade in his toy for a newer model.
I find both of those attractive, yes. =)
Dark Souls Syndrome.
Misty was one of my first girl crushes as a kid. Always liked redheads. Sad to see her written out.
Think about what you just said, actually. Both a butt and a sandwich are considered a single object but with multiple parts. A butt has a hole and two cheeks, a sandwich has a filling and two pieces of bread. However, the cheeks of the butt, which are recognized in the plural, are not actually separate. However, they…
I had a fun method of cleaning my home back when Fallout 4 came out. Every time it crashed, I cleaned something before loading it back up. Just one thing. Between the aging components on my PC and the inherent bug-riddled nature of any Bethesda game, my home had never been so clean.
Probably an autocorrect fail.
Pence? Thick skinned? The guy who is afraid to go to dinner or parties without his wife in case he gets left alone with another woman?
How do you decide fights, then? From clips and what i’ve read, all he had was more gas than Pac, right?*
Several foods attributed to specific cities were passed over because of that exact reason, so I don’t see why Buffalo wings would be any different. =)
Where are there drivers that are noticeably better? Where is this haven of sanity?
I know this article is ancient, blame Kinja. Anyway, Maryland drivers are bad? We have better drivers than any other state i’ve been to besides Virginia, and that’s only because Virginia’s driving laws operate off of strict totalitarian fear. We use turn signals more frequently than others, we usually let people merge…
“This summer, Black people have met their match” said a man who would later go on to claim that he was raised to treat people of all races with respect.
I’ve never played it and I only have Steam because of games that require Steam to run, like Fallout 4. I still know what it is. I read about it on Kotaku.