
Every instance of the word "Kane" compiled from every live-action cutscene in the Command & Conquer series would have been much better.

I'd chalk most of these up to the Federation's charmingly child-like belief that, as an organization of peaceful pacifist explorers, its ships will never actually have to fight.

Glad I'm not the only one who's still on Team Kuvira. Democracy is nice, but when that's not on the table, and your choice is between a competent dictator and an idiotic one being controlled by a foreign power, it's a pretty easy decision.

I'm glad I did a ctrl-F for "Scary Stories" before I embarrassed myself with a duplicate comment.

Can they instead make the alternate version of this movie, where all of the plucky youngsters die on their first mission and Colin Firth spends 90 minutes avenging them all in a state of cold, barely controlled fury?

Interesting to see where the show goes. It became almost tolerable at the end. Maybe it'll claw its way all the way up to "okay."

Listen to the Bugle. Swearing like a sailor is his natural state.

Remember when Burger King ordered a new mascot, and he turned out to be creepy as fuck, but instead of changing him they just leaned into it and built their campaign around him being incredibly creepy?

Surely, after last week's abomination, they would lay off the utterly unnecessary rape content for at least one episode, right?

I came into this comment thread with a mild dislike for tattoos.

Can we be real here for a second?

Not a big fan of the use of the word "retcon" when nothing that happened in the previous episodes of Venture is being invalidated or declared non-canon. It's just being revealed as a deception. Whether or not it was originally planned as such is irrelevant.

"Still, there will be viewers who simply can’t stand Sonya, and not toning her down is an impressive gamble for the show to make."

Can you upload a new video, please? Anything. It can be twenty solid minutes of MEATSPIN for all I care. Just get this image off the front page.

Can you upload a new video, please? Anything. It can be twenty solid minutes of MEATSPIN for all I care. Just get this image off the front page.