
They changed the way they calculate mpg many years ago.

Not with only six cylinders. That pitch comes from having ten cylinders firing at close to 20,000 rpm. It’s about 3000 Hz. To get a similar sound using only six cylinders they would have to spin at over 30,000 rpm. Not happening anytime soon.

I have the same problem. I don’t think I’d survive driving without horses that rock the car and make clippy-cloppy noises. I had a Stanley Steamer that was a very nice car. It was pretty to look at, super comfortable, awesome steam tooter, reasonably sporty, but didn’t make enough clippy-cloppy noises and just didn’t

That’s the first thing I noticed Not the footwear, but the pure-white jeans that scream “I have no intention of doing any work or going anywhere near anything dirty.”

ON THE OTHER HAND, he’s minding his own business, just doing his thing and trying to sell his old car. I bet he’s not even posting shitty comments about people he’s never met on the internet.

I had a lot of emotions after last night’s episode, mostly disappointment and anger. Disappointment over the wooden acting, ridiculous exposition statements, and lack of a “wow” factor. Anger over this whole bait-and-switch perpetrated by CBS in airing the first half of the pilot and then pretty much telling everyone

Please do not give to bad charities. Every dollar that makes it to Central America will count. Take the time to find a group that you can trust to spend your money wisely. Search.

How many people here come to Jalopnik come here to get away from political bullshit and talk about cars? What next? Gonna start talking global warming at someone’s funeral?

Actual photo of pilot

This guy came onto his new roommate right after they sign the lease. Utter and total asshole, borderline predatory move.

I’ve never enjoyed a pumpkin beer, but it is a good season for cider.

It burns

Because white privilege only belongs to white people, duh. If you’re not white but have a white-sounding name, you’re cheating!

I tell people all the time that I bet we’ll see any <fill in the blank> President before you see an Asian one. Obviously we don’t get the same kind of treatment that more oppressed groups get, but we are encumbered by forever being viewed as foreigners, no matter how native we are.

LOL, “bulletproof”... They’re pretty much garbage. You’re forgetting that you’d have to replace almost the entire suspension, the battery, and the brakes three times by 300K miles. Never mind the fact that they suck fuel like a 747.

“but that remains far below the 1,000 miles a typical heavy-duty truck can handle on one tank of gas.”

All I want for Christmas is .... a Kia?!

On a related note:

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

Another one rides the bus