Perhaps the “war on women’s bodies” analogy wasn’t clear enough.
Perhaps the “war on women’s bodies” analogy wasn’t clear enough.
I propose a radical feminist paramilitary group to go in and cut the balls off each and every one of these motherfuckers ( and Boko Haram, too.) We will also be known as Isis, Egyptian goddess and friend to slaves and the downtrodden. We will have matching embroidered jackets, too.
Amazing picture.
the lede image reminds me of this woman getting rid of her mandated black niqab after fleeing:
She actually does a lot for homeless LBGTQ youth and abused animals.
This guy I've been banging has Ron Burgundy tattooed on his ass. It's the worst thing I have ever seen.
You guys, I seriously can’t help but like Miley. I mean come on. She dumped her fiancé, cut all her hair off and started talking about feminism and now she’s growing out her body hair and smoking a bunch of weed and getting nekkid all the time. She’s everything I look for in a woman. What other big-name pop star has…
The username says it all.
You’re looking at it.
She taught young girls (and boys) that it’s okay for a girl to be loud, large, brash, and even threatening. She goes after what she wants openly, without apology, and with her own power. More than that she’s admired and loved for it. None of that gets in the way of her wearing high heels, sparkles, make-up and…
And it is true, I did not burn my bra. Was this a political statement? No, it was simple common-sense economics. When one pays top dollar for intimate apparel like moi does, setting it ablaze is wasteful, improvident and highly incendiary.
her and Adele should do a duet
So Gay marriage is pretty much like regular marriage? Got it!
It is if your from Texas, like Kacey. You call something “tea,” you're getting it in a huge container, with a ton of ice and likely sweet enough to rot your teeth.
I think because he’s a talented comedic and dramatic actor?
This is a you problem, not a Caitlyn Jenner problem.
Yeah it’s called Entourage