
" It's kind of unnecessary to ban a certain thing." Such compelling rhetoric.


WOW, literally everyone in that thread is repulsive.

I'm not gonna lie, I love my stick-n-pokes: a lil' circle on my wrist bone and an arrow on the back of my upper arm. All small, unobrusive, easy to hide, and difficult to fuck up. HOWEVER I have to tell this story, because it is my duty to bring up this story any time anyone mentions stick-n-pokes. ONCE AT A PARTY in

Who said that was a mask?


Not even gonna lie. Totally jelly. You should have a tea party in your magical pink Christmas forest. And you have cats?! Aww hell yes.

You are a champion.

I seriously just posted that to see if I could be more pedantic than you. Nope! You win!

Well, considering women couldn't even legally own property back then, they weren't "owners" of anything. Just sayin.

Anything can happen with the power of the Lord.

"The climax involves the youngest boy taking a gay," eh? *eyebrow waggle*

*ding ding ding ding ding* You win the comments.

Sea otters are also rapists AND necrophiles. They'll kidnap baby harbor seals, rape them to death, and then keep them around to have sex with their corpses. SEA OTTERS. You know, the cuties that hold each other's paws when they sleep so they won't float away? My heart is crushed.

"Garbage Pale Kids" is what I'm going to name my new Tumblr.

Says the random stranger, famous for nothing.

I'm having phantom testicle pain and don't even have testicles.

"Why is your penis on a dead girl's phone?" I took this to mean, "Why are you resting your penis on a dead girl's phone?"

Teehee. "Ball game."

"You want to appeal to as wide an audience as possible without grossing them out. You don't want to make something gratuitous, and ugly, and graphic." Dude, you don't have to diss your penis like that...