“I don’t even depict that as racist,” he continued. “I ate Aunt Jemima all my life.”
“I don’t even depict that as racist,” he continued. “I ate Aunt Jemima all my life.”
Wow...so now we've bottomed out with "I can't be racist; I eat black syrup."
You’re not wrong, but - as I’ve seen on so many protest signs - white silence is violence. We absolutely need to do better about calling out racist behaviour, just like we expect men to call out their friends’/coworkers’ sexist behaviour.
You don’t shame a guy like this. And he’s not going away unless he’s forced out.
Fuck this guy...
“I now fully understand how hurtful it is and I can and will do better and we can all do better. We must.”
Who the fuck are these delusional white people and why haven’t the rest of you white people shamed them until they die from the shame or go the fuck away?
Miller had the phrase “YOLO” tattooed on the inside of her lower lip.
I hope they will grow old without loved ones, withering away in the dark corridors of a third rate convalescent home.
I am deeply grateful that I have not been assaulted, but when I was sexually harassed at work, the reporting process was more invasive, disruptive, upsetting, traumatic, hostile, and confusing than the instance of harassment I was reporting by an order of magnitude I still find difficult to wrap my head around. In the…
The whole thing is so fucking sad and just a wretched indictment of society, both the immediate aftermath and that years later we collectively could not help and protect her instead of the rapist. Even with all the perceived visibility around sexual assault and rape in the last few years (#metoo, Nassar doc, Audre and…
I’m going to say this much in my opinion, this young was probably strong enough to have survived the sexual assault, but not the outlandish assault sat upon her by her community, public servants, and that piece of shit family the Barnett’s.
Right, either you have barely any connection to the show that is named after you, or you knew and didn’t do anything. Pick one.
All she had to do was say “it’s my show, and this is on me”. Instead she couched any semblance of responsibility under a bunch of garbage about how other people fucked up and claiming she had no idea that this was the case until Buzzfeed told her?
a n g r y black wimmin
You see why my head exploded.
So if not for slavery, we never would have been able to end slavery?