
She is protecting their assets. This is a money move.

There’s something you seem to be missing about Sandy. She was a caricature of the roles played by Sandra Dee in A Summer Place and - especially- The Reluctant Debutante. In fact in the stage musical, the character was named Sandy Dumbrowski (inexplicably renamed Sandy Olsson in the film).

To imply Korean/Asian people eat dogs? Yes, that’s racist, are you trying to be an obtuse twat?

Personally I like Kevin. I also have to argue for cunt but never for women, only for men who deserve it - it really fucks with them. :)

The same as anoyone who’s name has been used as shorthand for an insult over the decades: “chatty kathy,” “plain jane,” “debbie downer,” “negative nancy,” “lazy susan,” “bye, felicia,” “average joe.” It happens, people deal with it, language trends move on.

As an American, I’m outraged. As a white woman, I’m embarrassed. As a responsible dog owner who has had numerous unpleasant encountered with offleash dogs and their scofflaw owners while I am walking mine, I’m pissed. Amy Cooper, WTF is wrong with you? (Rhetorical question.)

Twitter/Jack Dorsey have been absolutely appalling in their response to this. Her grieving parents and widower are being re-traumatized while twitter shrugs . It is disgusting that Trump gets to use his power to manipulate her memory, meanwhile those who actually have a claim to her memory stand by helplessly.

For the moment, I’m going to assume you’re not deliberately concern trolling. But regardless, you’re misconstruing what “believe women” actually means. “Believe Women” is not a blanket statement. It’s a shorthand that we use because the more accurate statement “afford a woman reporting an assault the same benefit of

It’s not about identifying specific white women. It’s about highlighting white women’s history of weaponizing white distress and performing patriarchal delicacy. It is the trend that matters.

we can care about both... 

Genuinely wondering if this would have gotten as much attention from white people if she weren’t choking out a dog during the whole vid.

Nice straw man. Tell us more about what a good person you are.

This is tangentially related at best. Just let this video speak for itself and don’t use it to prop up other agendas.

She’s only apologizing because she works for Franklin Templeton Investments, and people immediately started contacting her employer en masse.

I’m not sure how me using a woman’s name to insult other women is sexist. I’m not obligated to support other women writ large, especially not when they do stupid fucking shit. I’ll take Karen any day to describe someone that’s actually being an asshole over being subjected to listening to people use “bitch” or “cunt”

This comment took an interesting left turn. From “Be wary of white women falsely accusing black men of crimes” to “Let’s not investigate a white woman accusing a white man of something that he has already been known due to do and of something for which she has some corroborating evidence even though a failure to

A protection agency? Like for white people?

I’ve come to realize especially today that I think of [the police] as a protection agency

I don’t even live in your state and I’m proud of your Democratic leadership. I’m mostly fortunate with JB Pritzker (and Mayor Lightfoot) as my two leaders, but I’m a fan of what I know about Governor Whitmer and the actions she’s taken.

Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Supreme Court Chief Justice...all women, here. He’s got a major problem with our state.