
Lard Gut is doing exactly what he’s always done, trying to bullshit his way through it the only way he knows, by flapping his gums, making shit up and blaming everyone but himself. Anyone who seriously believes that he “cares” about anyone or anything but himself is either delusional or an imbecilic Trumpie cultist.

Nice to see the POTUS encouraging civil war. In the middle of a pandemic and economic collapse. Very helpful there, Donnie.

Trump’s vision of America is that the Almighty Dollar is the most important thing, and the rest of us are either in service of it or in the way.  Unfortunately most of our political system agrees with him. 

I assume the people demanding the ultimate sacrifice are eager to be the first ones in line!

In Trump’s defense, a phrase that gives me literal shivers to type, Americans have use battle and war terminology all the time when referring to bad things we can’t control as a delusion to think we actually do control the things that happen to us.

The number of people safely ensconced who are saying “Get out there!” Is a little astounding.

Yeah, I saw this and the first thought was they get what they deserve. But then you remember each person becomes a walking biohazard with the potential to spread sickness and death far and wide. You can be as selfish and dumbass as you want but you have no right in any way shape or form to endanger other people. Fuck

That’s kind of you. While I don’t hope they die, I do hope they get sick as hell, as do their family members, and they don’t have decent health insurance because CONSEQUENCES FOR YOUR ACTIONS. Fuck them for endangering health care workers. They’d be screaming in the streets if we actively endangered military folks.

Why did they bring their rifles? Is it part of the dickhead GOP costume I’ve become accustomed to now?

Remember that “my God is bigger than coronavirus” preacher guy that died of same a couple of weeks ago? Yeah, I admit I laughed my ass off at that one.

As someone who works in a hospital on the front lines, the people ENRAGE me. Their behavior is beyond reckless. They are actively endangering my life and the lives of my colleagues. When they get sick (and some most certainly will), they will absolutely expect us to take care of them with total disregard for our

In the case of the protesters, while I don’t actively hope they get sick and die, I’ll also have a hard time mustering up much sympathy if that happens.

I dunno, if it’s been more than five years it might be under Act of Fed Up God.

You just have Vlad ship you a replacement.

Everytime I see Jared’s face I want to punch it. I am 58 years old, 5'3" and 150 lbs, 23% bodyfat. Plus I wear glasses. But I know I could fuck. him. up. I see his wormy lips and that Botoxed forehead and I know it would take one crack of my bony knuckles and he would crumble like the crystal dildo he is.

I really don’t care do u?

Perhaps she is simply in mom mode, taking care of her 14-year-old son Barron...

How am I supposed buy the jet God told me I deserve if I'm not shaking down the gullible every Sunday? 

This is the most Welsh thing I can possibly think of: “Mr. Stuart did, apparently, call the police, who managed to herd the goats into a squad car and drive them back to the mountains.”