
You know what the difference between us is? My name, my face, and my social media link are right there. I stand by everything I say and don’t talk shit anonymously.

So would she then be human recyclable?

So to recap, when the petulant manbaby called a woman “bitch” and implied she “owed him sex” (a rapey sentiment that everyone who bought his music simply overlooked)... IT WASN’T TRUE? You mean that “bitch” has agency? And had it the whole time? And doesn’t owe men a fucking thing?

Hahahhahahahaa of course they were fucking lying. They are human garbage, well Kim is mostly plastic at this point. 

Kayne is an asshole and Kim is just a mean girl. This is my shocked face.

I wonder if this will finally get Jez writers to stop posting such shitty articles about TS...

Will it finally make Kanye and his idiot rubber doll wife will go away??? 

His “mind”?

“it would be impossible to for them to cash-in on any accrued paid time off or unused sick days, since doing so would indicate that the employee had quit...”

It looks like Kellyanne got into Trump’s wigs.

Kelly should be looking for a deal that gets him as nice a prison as he can get, cause he’s gonna live and die there.

Fuck Donald Trump 

watch what they do

Everywhere this bitch goes she should get called out as a murderer. Chase out of every public space.

She is more guilty of murder than Woods ever was. She signed off on the execution.

Kay Ivey let Nathaniel Woods be murdered when she had the absolute power to stop his murder.

you’re right.

i’d also bet on them really not testing because they dont want to look weak. in which case, im totally fine with that, wish they get it and die.

Under normal circumstances, having POTUS and VPOTUS contract a potentially deadly virus during a time of national crisis would be a terrible thing.

Hold up. You believe them when they say he isn’t being tested? Where have you been the last 3 years?

Seriously, why won’t the White House get tested?