Dr. David Schneider, during a panel on the “ills of socialized medicine,” claiming that “socialized medicine killed Princess Diana.” Schneider added, “Princess Diana would have lived had that accident happened in America.”
Dr. David Schneider, during a panel on the “ills of socialized medicine,” claiming that “socialized medicine killed Princess Diana.” Schneider added, “Princess Diana would have lived had that accident happened in America.”
Imaginings of other observations:
...I learned that from my boyfriend, ‘trigger.’
“Four more years of Donald Trump! I say that every chance I get, I just like to trigger the left...”
My fear of having people watch me open presents is real. Especially if they were things I had already picked out and had to act surprised for photos. No thanks!
on other troop news, anyone see this:
The Troops worry about if the person next to them is going to get them killed, or NJP'd, or cockblocked on liberty, or if they're going to fall out of a ruck march and you'll have to carry their shit for the next 20 miles while they sit in the back of a Humvee with a thermometer up their ass. That's about it.
Just...don’t do it. Tell your DJ if you have one that it’s a no-go, and you’re all set. No one will say boo to you on the day. My sisters eschewed all sorts of folksy midwest traditions with their weddings, including the garter thing and the dollar dance. Nobody noticed. There’s also a local tradition that when a…
We also sprung for a super fancy dinner, then spent the night in a super fancy hotel (that used to be a brutal jail, SYMBOLISM)! It was a great day.
So I’ve heard! I’m not sure what your relationship is with your parents, but if there’s any way to get away with doing a small one (and it won’t end up causing huge rifts for the rest of your life) I highly recommend it. Even if I were filthy rich, I would still have a tiny wedding. Now, I’d have it at one of the most…
That grad course that I had to take on research methods and statistical analysis in journalism school continues to come in handy in completely meaningless ways.
I don’t think it’s that hard. Why not just throw a party without any of the typical wedding accoutrements? No big white dress, no first dance, no introduction as Mr. and Mrs. Groom’s Name, no being ‘given away’ by a traditional authority figure, no traditional vows, no taking the groom’s last name, etc. I’ve been to…
So, I’m going to chime in as that smug jerk who opted out and went to city hall. I get that it’s not for everyone- you celebrate in whatever way feels best to you!- but I had an awesome wedding day that involved exactly no worrying about anyone else’s expectations, and instead just doing stuff that was fun for my…
Pieces of shit apparently live longer.
Good. Riding a Greyhound is bad enough without ICE.
Always nice to see fascist thugs get told “No.”