
When I was living abroad, I had my wallet stolen. I thought it would be cheaper and easier to have my dad send me money on paypal so I could transfer it into my local bank account. Paypal “flagged” the transfer, would not let us touch the cash ($500). We called them repeatedly, followed all of their instructions,

It’s not an app to share money between friends, not really. It’s a tool to swindle people who get scammed by placing all responsibility on the victim - remember, this is paypal we’re talking about, one of the swiniest corps on the planet, and that’s saying something.

Ebay/Paypal/Venmo are the scum of the internet. If you haven’t been screwed by them yet, you have not used the long or often enough.

are you asian? Cuz that’s like an automatic -10 in years.

Do you know what I find interesting about this, Rich? As a gendered and queered analysis of your piece...

Troy McClure’s dad!?

As a former Bernie supporter turn Clinton supporter, since he’s conceded, we have to stop this shit. All you’re doing is putting Trump in the White House.


is her response that they’re both Nazis?

Yeeeah, no. Random out-of-context photos taken at the precise moment when someone had their arm outstretched is not the same thing as ending a speech at the RNC by turning towards the image of your Overlord, actually doing the salute, and then awkwardly transition into a wave that you would have just done to begin

I loathe people who use “prayer” as a means to be as nasty as possible under the guise piety. She could have just said “Kanye West is a misogynistic asshole” and few would have disagreed. But no, she had to pretend to be above such directness by “praying” and bringing his child into it.

I don’t believe for a second

Well TP is definitely appropriate for these asswipes

I spent the last few weeks thinking of a tree that we used to have in the backyard of our old house. All those hours I spent under that tree looking up as the sunlight dripped like honey through the leaves. When the thin cold wire of time wasn’t pressing pushing tight against my neck. There was time back then. There’s

Pro tip: If you ever feel the compulsion to right a long, mansplaining article about why you cheated on your wife (because she was infertile) using only the passive case to describe all of your affairs (these things just keep happening to me!) just don’t do it. Looking at you, Ian MacKenzie.

I go with the racist sense as African-Americans used to make up most of the exercise riders and jockeys corps.

I’m with Bright House and Charter already sent us a letter about how EXCITED they are to IMPROVE our service. I’m betting my rate doubles.

The awareness stuff is deeply unsettling. It feels like glorifying something awful (cancer, shootings, the marathon bombings) for money and attention that doesn’t benefit those who are victims or those trying to stop those things. Every year Boston rolls out the marathon shit and I just want to hide under my bed until

What is it about their brains that makes them do that? I don’t know a woman with a long-term man in her life who doesn’t have this story.

Here’s better advice: Get in the habit to record every single transaction you make, MANUALLY (not in Mint) and then get in the habit of zero-base budgeting for yourself or your family. In other words, take every paycheck, and divide it up (in a spreadsheet, budget program, notebook, whatever) into categories until you

What blows my mind is that some people truly believe that there are all these irresponsible women out there begging for abortions after 20 weeks, because they just decided that they don’t feel like having that perfectly healthy baby anymore. If someone is seeking an abortion after 20 weeks, you can be pretty damn sure