Mister Guliani, please pur your 9/11 back in your pants.
Mister Guliani, please pur your 9/11 back in your pants.
This is why Democrats lose. See also: Biden considering Republicans for Cabinet positions. Which Cabinet positions are Democrats in under Trump who had an underwhelming mandate of losing the popular vote and winning the decisive states in the EC by <1% each?
That book...er...thing they’re shoving into Lesley Stahl’s hands looks like the biggest waste of paper since the stacks and stacks of the stuff (likely just bought from Staples) that our big boy president trotted out to show how he wasn’t somehow going to be involved with his company while in office.
Support for Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation has risen 18 points among Democrats
The first clue was that he drove a Dodge Challenger.
When you purchase a young, fame-hungry Republican, you get sexual misconduct. It’s a two for one deal. Always.
Since he literally went out with a bang, which was also a with a marvelous self-own....
yeah, and didn’t he try to pressure her into an abortion, too? Remember from GAWKER (oh how I miss you GAWKER)
There are actually people lining up to defend this idiot! Like, yes, this pandemic has introduced a whole host of challenges, and the necessities of remote work and meetings have left everyone needing to adjust to how they do things. But I can say the easiest part of my workday, every single day, has been not…
This was an obvious lie. People calling him Sir is his tell. Any story where someone calls him Sir is completely made up.
We are aware of the President’s statement regarding a hypothetical call with our CEO…and just so we’re all clear, it never happened.
“Oh, election simulation!” —Jeffrey Toobin
Funniest part is this story is on pretty much every news site except CNN.
“I believed I was not visible on Zoom. I thought no one on the Zoom call could see me. I thought I had muted the Zoom video,” he added...
It isn’t so much the airtime that is the issue in general but that he weaseled out of the debate: thus giving Joe Biden the allotted time for appearing according to his commitment. Trump being allotted airtime on NBC is rewarding him for refusing to engage in a traditional electoral ritual.
Or, if your username is sincere, accept that anybody using “PC” as a negative term has been a dick since at least the talk radio heyday of the 90s.
Ah the fun of the technically moronic.
I just need to say here that as an attorney who has been practicing for 25+ years and who has seen a lot of otherwise smart male lawyers do very dumb things when they have attractive female clients, I find that heart at the end very concerning.
FFS, I just looked up her opponent and it turns out she’s basically running unopposed because the Democratic candidate got a divorce and moved to Indiana to live with his family!!