
If anybody actually expected Graham to do anything but suck Mitch and Dump’s cocks they are more delusional than I thought possible.

SCORCHED. EARTH. motherfuckers. It’s well and truly PAST fucking time.

Yeah, it’s bad that there’s a system where you can pack the courts, but I don’t feel better about it when Republicans are actively trying to pack them and Democrats are somehow trying to be “better than that”. Like, fight dirty, I don’t care. 

What’s crazy about that is he is tied 48-48 with Jamie Harrison in polls right now and Jamie Harrison’s #1 campaign has been sticking to his word. He has been running ads showing Grahams words before and now pretty much non stop, and it has been working really well for him. He brought this race from near 20 points to

He doesn’t have “to say that to get elected.”  That is bullshit. 

Shitstain Collins just reminded me to donate to his Democratic opponent, Raphael Warnock. Turn Georgia blue and never give Republicans a moment of peace in their lives: 

And they’ve said things like that before. Then they capitulate when they get the right offer.

Yeah if the Dems don’t refuse to seat anyone using the same argument the Republicans did then they don’t deserve to be in power. No high road bullshit this time. 

I am just going to say this but she should have retired in 2014 when the Dems still held the Senate and she knew she had end stage pancreatic cancer. She was an icon but that doesn’t mean she didn’t fuck us totally by not stepping down. 

Please dont feed your dog Alpo. Just look at the ingredients. There are so many better options.

Operation Warp Speed

This is only a distraction if we let them distract us with it. How is this shady ass bitch not booed off her fucking podium right the fuck there and then. 185.000 people are dead, at least 300.000 still infected, her fucking impeached asshole president lied over 20000 times while in office and she is talking about a

Please tell me one of the press corp asked McIninny where she’s going these days to get her hair colored and her extensions put in.  

Should have simple said that it was done indoors due to security concerns. Pelosi is a high profile target with a full time security detail from the Capital Police. 

And Pelosi is her first customer in 7 months? Suuuuure. Everyone knows that stylists have been working on the DL for months (and some of them are collecting unemployment too).

I live somewhere where they’ve recently been making updates to the COVID rules multiple times a week. Sometimes I don’t know changes have been made, and different businesses have different rules, so I don’t always know every rule. I was thinking I might call my dentist to see if they’re open and what safety measures

Projection, deflection and stupidity is the republican mantra.

You got to hand it to them: they don’t just throw shit at the wall, they decorate the fucking room with it.

I understand that. But I’m done playing along.
I realize this does not make a whit of difference in the grand scheme of things, but it’s for my own sanity.
And imagine if everyone decided to just not engage in this petty bullshit and voted.
(Call me Pollyanna)

Yeah, horrifying. I would personally not get a vaccine released two days before the election by Trump’s government. Good luck to anyone who goes for it.