
Given Trump declared he was scared the crane was going to fail and he was nervous standing in the vicinity, it doesn’t seem like the moron clearly understood the setup.

Wooooooooooow. Holy fuck. And because that shit is on Fox, I guarantee I will hear those words come out of my dad’s mouth in exactly two weeks. 

Also, they were trying to keep our dumb ass selves from bulk buying all PPE needed for first responders and essential workers. LOOK WHAT WE DID WITH TOILET PAPER AND FLOUR. Clearly we cannot be trusted. 

More than 40 school principals in the South Bay were told to quarantine after being exposed to COVID-19 two weeks ago.

But single payer healthcare means death panels. Or something

The thing is white men like this truly think they are that important that people would do this, just to stick it to them. Everyone else can see that they ain’t shit, but they think so highly of themselves that they think everyone else is thinking about them as much as they think of themselves.

It’s also, speaking as someone who is both a taxpayer and who received at least a modicum of education from public schools, a complete non sequitur. This:

But DeVos believes this is a cop-out. During a press conference last week, she said the county’s move, “would fail America’s students, and it would fail taxpayers who pay high taxes for their education.”

The worst part is that I agree with him? America needs to be replaced, Defund the Police is part of that replacement that needs to happen.

With some Eddie Munster thrown in.

He’s basically a real life Quagmire with less charm.

Matt probably couldn’t find his home state on a map until he saw that one Bugs Bunny cartoon.

Wait, what? The GOP has spent the past several years defending every artifact of the Confederacy, now Gaetz is up here saying that the Confederacy wanted to destroy America? So he agrees that we should be getting rid of Confederate statues and names commonly in use across the country, right?

Gaetz added, “The left wants us to be ashamed of America so that they can replace America.”’

Elissa Slotkin is my Congresswoman, and Politico’s description of her re-election chances and what she faces is preditcably just flat wrong. The only thing they got right is that she won in a Trump district. What they failed to say is that she ended up attracting no serious GOP challenge and should pretty easily

I cannot give you enough stars for this. Woolworths, holy smokes I forgot it ever even existed. I also fondly remember the Ben Franklins 10 Cent stores. And I’m barely an old, like mid-40's.

Yeah I’m gonna say that’s on your mom. What adult just shows up at another adult’s house without any kind of heads up? 

I can never not hear the words “Pier 1 Imports” in Dan Aykroyd’s nasal monotone.

My crazy aunt for one....ex hippie who made money but still clung to her hippy dippy roots that rolled into a backyard open air room which looked like a macrame nightmare that smelled funny (young me not knowing what a buttload of kush residues was)

Thanks to having watched the Blues Brothers around half a dozen times, I can never not hear the words “Pier 1 Imports” in Dan Aykroyd’s nasal monotone.