
Fun thing to ponder. How does the secret service handle it when he has to go take a seat for a few years

Thats poetic

Aint over yet.  Georgia may save us all. Runnoffs in Jan..

$750 is probably 1/2 second of flight for that bird. 

Don’t forget the uv light dildo’s!

They all get almost everything from big foodservice companies. How unique and independent are they really anymore?


Id wager he is fantasizing about troops mowing down the protesters. Gassing them..something along those lines..

Yeah, pretty much all of that is crap. Except stepping down during Obama’s run. I get that people thought Hilary was going to win, and she likely found something, lets just say poetic about the first woman president naming her replacement.. That said, when all that went down it felt ominous. And now we are here

What do you expect from spanfeller? This isn’t in any way, Gawker. This goes doubly so for this poor faded shadow of a commitariat. Actually, i don’t even think that term should be used to describe the, ‘commenters,’ now.  

Ahh Cubans..

Seconding the scorched earth thing.

Nah. Boomers relevant here. They behave exactly the way 99% of the boomers i know do. Right down to the ridiculous firepower cradled in their never calloused soft hands. You can probably tack on a chunk of 45+ year old gen xers who wish they were boomers

Oh wow. Much hotter then. What a pity re: surgery

Sounds as if their problem is they hate themselves just as much. 

Aside from that, how does fixing hour teeth give someone a jaw line.  I see how it can help a little but your bones are still the same



They should know i would have voted for a ham sandwich over Trump this time around...

Meh is how i feel about the ticket.