

Maybe they’re dope, and maybe they’re even NP, but I vote NS (no slideshow).


Bomb disposal tab?

It’s fun to read your worthy opinion from 2018 today in the context of posts’ degradation into slide shows.

Actually, in the days of Ye Olde Gawker, the comment section also broke from time to time, but it would generally be fixed within 24 hours or so, and, if it needed longer attention, there would typically be a reply or post from the staff addressing the problem. Back then (Lord Denton’s anti-commenter comments

Also, I haven’t been able to embed a hyperlink in text for some time now. (I have to type my comment and then separately paste the hyperlink below it. That seems so 70s.)

Kinja-G/O is the Dollar Store of blogs.

15 Some Once-Great Movies Gawker Websites the Pandemic Slideshows Completely Fucking Ruined

Your Lotus’s timing might be off, but your comic timing is spot on.


You might find that some of us New Yorkers (particularly transplants from other states like myself) are sympathetic. You will have even less reason to think of New York State now that Cuomo has been eliminated definitively as a potential presidential candidate.


I describe politics using my Balloon Theory©. One can be surprised by where various political theories meet on the spherical surface. Some theories are as empty as the balloon itself. Yet, when squeezed, the balloon can explode and send fragments everywhere.

Torus, if you please.

The bus driver obviously shifted his bus into K (for "karma").