

If the sock’s not hardened, it’s time to pardon.

Whenever someone’s like “I’m on juice” it means steroids. Also, nobody has ever in their life said that to me so I’m not sure why I think that.

lol, Rand Paul is all “it’s not my fault I voted for a guy who pursues policies I hate, it’s your fault for not convincing me to vote against him!” What a fucking whiner.

GAH! Me too! I was bamboozled. I didn’t want to admit it, but since you did, I will.

Monique’s headline did me wrong. I thought it was related to steroids and then I started to scream while reading it.

Why did I read this story?

I’m out, bye yall

I first heard of Ayn Rand when I was in Junior High and people were like, “This is how its supposed to be!” The Young Republicans of the late 1980's and early 1990s were all Fountainhead this and Atlas Shrugged that. Nothing gave me the creeping horrors like an evangelical study group composed of female Young


Thank you Jada, a beautiful black woman.

It’s true!

I thought that “my” generation would not become the 50s and 80s style of scumfuck Conservatives, yet I had never heard of Ayn Rand until people in their 20s trying to sell me HerbalLife and Rich Dad Poor Dad in the 00's destroyed my hopes.

Not necessarily. See:

old school tobasco is better.

Man, I’m like the spokesman for Y.P. Pull and I know Texas Pete is some weak sauce.

I never understood the “culture” of a fat, low performance, high maintenance motorcycle whose latest milestone was producing a full size sport bike that barely broke 12 second quarter mile times.

As a Gen-X’er closing in on the big 5-0, I can emphatically add, “Me neither.” And that’s despite the fact that I probably have owned 15 different bikes of widely different types in the last 25 years.

This is all shorthand for “baby boomers are dying what the hell do we do now”