
Nope. You really shouldn’t have. But, you have proven a point, the commercialization of the word, “nigga” has white people like yourself thinking that your story/example was just a hilarious and ingenious way for everyone to gather a higher comfort level about the word.

It does seem very difficult for some people.

I love all three of you!

Let’s make a deal, white people:

Context is relevant. A slur when used by a member of the target population it can serve to disempower the slur for that population. And members of the target population using the slur does not mean it’s right for members of the empowered population to also use that slur.

Let me be clear, since some of you want to find an reason to rending my comment(s) null and void because you semantical and shit...

And because white people are so oppositional and defensive about it, that conversation (if it happens at all) is super laborious and annoying. Also, I feel like reigning someone back from “I just was repeating what I heard” is harder than someone actually using a slur on purpose.

When will we start calling out Black Hollywood/Entertainers for their part in ish like this? Here in the real world, you and I would check our white friends if they ever went there or, better yet, not even deal with white people who would do such a thing.

Of course, she said this while sitting next to Gary Owen. *eyeroll*

This story stinks to high heaven. Somebody is lying about something. Why and how would a young couple out on an ATV frogging in the middle of the night plot to kill an officer who just happened to be in the area? How the fuck does that make sense to anyone???

Every shooting gets worse. And every news outlet’s reporting gtes lazier. It’s unclear why Guillory wasn’t in jail?!?!?!?! Why is LaFleur getting paid to sit at home instead of in jail? Why is Brown sitting in jail with no posted bail? Fuck Louisiana. Fuck the South. Fuck the Police.

Few words, only rage.

All Groove Family Cyco references get a star, especially video embedded ones. Cheers, have a Pepsi.

I love this gif so much. I try to use it every time I can.

Yeah, he was from Oakland, in response to the Oakland born Panthers. So many layers...

You shoulda seen the tub water after the birth. Talk about painting a picture...😂

Sex is strongly bimodal, which is not exactly the same as binary, but it’s pretty close. I think it’s reasonable to consider someone female if they can get pregnant and give birth.

You painted quite the picture