Dookie Monster

After a few rather lazy recently published AV Club lists, I am pleasantly surprised they got this one mostly right. The Haunting is as good as it gets. I’d swap out a few of these for A Ghost Story, which is actually less about the ghost and more about the house.

So wait, this country bro is pro Brad Wesley?

And it’s probably more insightful. Sometimes there’s more truth in our myths than slavishly recreated reality.

I think it’s based on a true story. But then Spielberg rebooted the franchise.

Or Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

Walk the Line and Ray? Seriously? Those movies are prime examples of bland, shit biopics - how not to make one. They may feature wonderful performances, but the movies are hollow shells that fabricate events in order to fill a 2 hour narrative. They are the same movie, so much so they directly inspired a movie mocking

I think it is a general comparison of the competing publisher’s success at the box office, just very clumsily stated.

I appreciate that Oliver Stone’s The Doors is more about the myth of Jim Morrison rather than a factual retelling of a couple musicians who did lots of drugs until one of them did too many. All of the Walk Hard-style biopics can’t package musicians’ lives into a complete story, so I love that the The Doors is a total f

There’s a story of the very theatrical Kirk Douglas, in an early film role, trying to out underplay Robert Mitchum in Out of the Past and it driving Director Jacques Tourneur crazy on set.

Who better to push back the black glove the studios keep shoving in workers’ faces to sniff?

Even the bonkers Doom Patrol show didn’t know what to do with Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man and made a joke out of him. Leave it to Gunn to crack these Silver Age characters. I love where this movie is headed, sounds like it’s going to actually be FUN.

While watching a bad movie, I typically remind myself that, very often, just as much work goes into a bad movie as a good movie.

Which was probably the last time I’ve been excited for a DC film - Dr Fate and Hawkman were fresh faces. Looking back now it’s clear The Rock just wanted characters that he didn’t think would overshadow him, like, uh Shazam apparently. And it backfired, most agreed it probably should have just been a JSA movie.

Ha makes sense. I’d keep “Storm” if it was my last name too.

you forgot Brandy

Maybe because the CW produced better DC entertainment over the past decade than WB films did?

Then why isn’t Sue “Mrs Fantastic”?

I dig they are throwing in some minor characters for support or even if it’s just for world building. I imagine Professor Emil Hamilton would be happy to sit this one out.

Regarding Fillion’s hair, Gunn said, “Giving my old pal Nate a bowl cut might have been my primary reason for casting him.”

Wonka Wonka Wonkah!