Dookie Monster

Reportedly nicknamed “Bigo”. Not sure why his friend dropped the “t” at the end.

To be fair, the caption could say what is via Getty, i.e., “Image via Getty,...”

Atkinson, to his credit, doesn’t cite any specific examples of this recent “mob-ish” behavior.

Women don’t want to see that. Her being harsh and tough and cutting people’s heads off

As a huge Bond fan, they really are so similar. It’s just the details that make the difference. The pendulum seems to swing. I remember the popular opinion was Dalton was uber serious and Brosnan while universally hailed as the best Bond, the perfect mix of Connery and Moore. Today Dalton is hailed as “Fleming’s Bond”

I was pretty blown away by how bad it was, not for lack of effort by Pedro Pascal. WW84 badly needed an Editor, scenes dragged on and highlighted how mediocre of an actress Gadot is.

Last week Fineman was “Nicole Kidman in the The Undoing” in the middle of the cold open, and she had to announce that.

The problem with a lot of impressionists is that they often aren’t funny. It becomes a parlor trick without any material. Dana Carvey’s HW Bush and Ferrell’s W weren’t accurate, but they were funny. Rich Little and Frank Caliendo are skilled mimics but not funny. Bill Hader often managed both (his Alan Alda is a

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When will this Spider-Man get to join the party?!

Big Mitchum fan, his 70s stuff is underrated. The Big Sleep is a dud, you can’t move a Raymond Chandler story to the UK.

I’ll get stoked when I see the black & white “hallelujah” trailer

Also, no one else in the crowd was killed or critically harmed, so how was this one kid armed with a bullet gun in mortal danger?

Predators didn’t get this kind of backlash for doing the same (but even worse)!

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Snyder’s “ideal” version of Justice League would be in black-and-white, possibly because he’s un artiste

let’s be honest, there are only 2 really good Star Wars movies.

“Christmas with the Joker”
“Batman in my Basement”
“The Underdwellers”
“Baby Doll”

They are awesome together. What ruins that film for me is the Raindrops keep falling on my head sequence. I know it could never have happened, but I dream of a scenario where Peckinpah directed that film...

Aw bummer, but I can wait. This was one of the best shows on Netflix, even if it didn’t always stick the landing.

The internet has made writers out of people who don’t have much to say or don’t know how to say it. “Lacking” is my pet peeve (lacking what?!), and I see it in freakin’ headlines.

Fincher’s trademark isn’t desaturation, it’s heavy on the Green/Yellow spectrum.