
Being a test doesn’t necessarily preclude it from also being a vision of the future. In the book her vision heavily foreshadowed Robb Stark’s death, among other things.

Fuck that noise. Harris/Booker 2020.

He did.

You seem eager to make it about her.

Probably a scheduling conflict. I have a hunch that “I have a hunch” was meant to be her line.

Pete and Don had to jump through soul-crushing hoops to make partner.

Peggy to Joan: “I just realized something. You think you’re being helpful.”

It’a cute that you expect progressive purity from a show explicitly about the evolution of cultural mores.

Toxic internet hyperbole, everyone.

He made tasteless Nazi jokes during a time of extremely heightened racial tension. Even if context magically absolves him of racism, it was still so incredibly stupid that it’s hard to feel sorry for him.

It definitely shows given how much more fleshed out Beth is this season. When one of your regulars is underdeveloped, that’s a problem... and apparently the solution was hiring folks with different perspectives was the solution. Who’ve thunk.

Found the TERF.

Om nom nom.

Amanda Knox was initially found guilty and served four years. She was released upon appeal, and then they re-tried her case and she was found guilty again (although she was in America by then so she remains free).

There's still an element of plausible deniability. His sexual orientation was treated differently than other characters, and while the reasons you cite make sense in-universe, she still CHOSE to write it that way... in much the same way children's authors ALWAYS write gay characters (as an "adult" topic engineered to

One of the issues here is framing. You say "If I added an LGBT+ character simply to have one it would be disingenuous."

I keep seeing this "if someone were gay, then it wouldn't matter" bit, which is mystifying because someone ISN'T gay. Ever. Writers of children's fiction, again and again, make this TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL decision not to include gay characters.

It's on topic because the language you're using implies gays want special attention (rather than something other than complete exclusion or plausible deniability) while other more socially powerful groups enjoy special attention that is exponentially more self-serving and ridiculous. Perspective.

Criticism you don't agree with is still criticism.

1. 5% is not zero. That's one out of twenty people, so when your protag interacts with dozens upon dozens of characters... Do the math.