You realize busting out ad hominems achieves the exact opposite of what you're trying to accomplish, right? Folks are much less likely to take you seriously when your argument rests on "you're a stupid jerkface."
You realize busting out ad hominems achieves the exact opposite of what you're trying to accomplish, right? Folks are much less likely to take you seriously when your argument rests on "you're a stupid jerkface."
That's not what rhetorical means. You don't get to shut someone else down in a conversation just because you want to be right.
I can't see any point to it except for tittilation.
Let's talk about the Mountain raping the tavern girl. Drogo's bloodriders raping one of Daenerys' handmaidens. Pia and several other women of Harrenhal tied up and raped once the castle is conquered, as punishment for sleeping with enemy soldiers. Lollys Stokeworth getting raped by an angry mob.
If the rule were "men who have had sex with men in the last six months," I'd understand. But the rule is "men who have EVER had sex with other men, even once, since 1977." Which means someone who experimented once 30 years ago would be ineligible. I get the fear of false positives, but the fear of a 30 year old false…
Maybe I'm missing something, but isn't that exactly what's being presented here?
Isn't the whole point of Wendy's character that she's submissive and childlike, until it's time to woman up, protect her child, and confront/leave her psycho husband?
The Walking Dead: Lori, then Andrea
Eh, I much prefer Samantha Traynor. Chambers came off as sort of bimbo-ish to me.
There's a difference between a comic that has a dozen main characters (two of whom are people of color), and a comic that has a single, indisputable black lead.
Veronica Mars is THE perfect argument for the US television market's need for more one-season-and-done shows. Had VM run just one season, it would be an all-time great. Its second season was mediocre, and its third season was just tragic (producers kept sabotaging it to keep it on the air; first by abandoning its arc…
This made me chortle. Gosh, that was a terrible article.
I'm more shaken by the thought of losing modern medicine, and more widespread access to quality education, but hey. iPhones durr.
Yeah, it's fantastically bad advice. Based on my experiences as a bullied geek (and a bullied gay), it's better to be proactive. Whether it's fighting back (with words or otherwise), or sneakily befriending more and more of their friends until picking on you is the unpopular decision.
So... all those American remakes of British sitcoms are supposed to still have British characters?
Everywhere I've seen this posted, the conversation inevitably veers into "I like it well enough, but this is how *I'd* do it..."
They seem to be copying the video style (and even word intonation) of It Gets Better. It made me uncomfortable, actually.