Monsieur Chariot

I performed as Barnaby Tucker in Hello Dolly! in high school. The musical number “Elegance” came to define my aesthetic solution to living.

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I think we need to hear from the “Up The Butt Guy”. The Kim/SJP feud is merely a metaphor for the “Up The Butt Guy” issue.

May every gun-nut personally encounter the evil brought to pass by their diabolical passion for violent weaponry, and the relentless slaughter of innocent children that follows in its wake.

I bet my list of obscure bands is more mysterious and inscrutable than your list of obscure bands. /s

Except, as you may have noticed, no gorilla. A glaring omission.

There is an argument to be made about repressing sexuality (A natural and normal thing people experience) that causes priests to act out.

Additionally, I cannot imagine how one might find a show starring Elizabeth Olsen in the staggering shitpile of dreck we know as Facebook.

When viewed through the lens of modern science (not your antiquated, fear-mongering religious hyperbole), homosexuality is understood as a natural and harmless variation on human sexuality exhibited by a small percentage of the population. If a “war” has been waged, it has been waged by the dominant, religious,

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Thank you! I appreciate that it’s supposed to be funny and exhibits a kind of backhanded admiration for the video, but the spoof doesn’t even begin to capture Go West’s dazzling, hyper-kinetic pop energy.

One can’t help wondering if a percentage of those 3000+ priests accused of sexual molestation would not have matured into normal gay (or in some cases bisexual or straight) men had they not been subjected – from a very early age – to continuous and severe condemnation of their emerging sexuality via draconian Catholic

Why, it’s a portrait of me, of course!

All I’m saying is that there is some kinda massive crazy going on inside Catholicism WRT repressed sexuality. People seeking healthy sex lives would do well to seek alternative belief systems.

Extending you my (Non-Bullshit) Condolences.

Excellent question, one I wonder about as well. Even the most cursory examination of Catholic doctrine reveals they are irrevocably against homosexuality, and the recent church-wide abuse scandal depicts how completely twisted homosexual Catholics can become when they attempt to bury their sexual orientation and

Beautifully parsed.

Love all your points– but looks like you’re about to get lynched for attempting to appreciate Cattrall’s position on this!

Kim used the occasion of her family tragedy to speak plainly. Maybe she’s had enough of the PR around SATC, now knowing that she was not going to do #3. Maybe she was done pretending that she and SJP were friends, and wanted to come clean about her true feelings. Maybe she simply wanted to alert the world to a few

The truly cool wouldn’t be caught dead on Instagram.

Thank you! I thought he looked familiar!

It’s not always that easy to own one’s power.