10 cent per citizen of the EU per year since it got shot into space to be exact!
10 cent per citizen of the EU per year since it got shot into space to be exact!
comments in a german newspaper.."ohh why do we do that shit? it costs so much money hurrdurrr" and i want to vomit in the face of those people. YEAH A FUCKING COMET!!
but lawson is the best, imho, for food and everything else..but yes, i always go to 7-11 for the atm
it is a thing because old men can live their pedophilia this way.
well the second sentence is for real, tutor really does that. he also comes with brony coloured hair to his lessons and everything...but i do not really care if people do that. if people really have that thing, it is better they do it this way than going for the "real" stuff.
Hernandez will like that news. misandry for everyone!
dude, i am just trolling here. don't expect me to write something thoughtful
and after that, everyone went home and jerked off to bronie child porn on tumblr.
they should have send that kid a better rope.
please stop with lying. thank you.
yes. sadly
i think they should all be shot. but first their children so it can't spread.
when i played Star Wars the Old Republic like crazy, and always saw the "open" button from the chests with the loot..my father called and I answered the phone with saying "open"...so yeah, i would say that hallucinating sounds is possible after gaming a lot
look that you get "Silk Tofu", put it in the fridge, put soy sauce over it and it eat like that.
every japanese person on this planet
hellmouth is open, who is calling buffy?
i love that idea.
akiba will never end. the moe power of maids and cat girl maids and all the cuteness will prevail. akiba is eternal.
i really like that game, bought it on release date..but i hate that i can't but the touchscreen controls on the analoge sticks..
a lot of people started playing wow and upgraded maybe once in that time since game start. you are illogical. blizzards goal is clearly: make this game look good without making it unplayable with people who play with a graphic card with the quality of a intel hd4000