
Thanks. I couldn't remember his name, but I saw a documentary about him a while ago. He is amazing. He is some sort of autistic if I remember correctly. He did a similar piece of London. He flew over the city in a helicopter, just looking and remembering, and then did this several-meters-wide drawing of it, and the

Danish theatres have been doing that for almost 10 years now... I couldn't imagine having to stand in line, hoping for good seats. As it is I can check from home which seats are available, and if it's too crowded choose to stay home instead :)

Exactly.. and that goes for non-believers (like me) as well. I don't think science has come up with a good answer to where everything came from yet, and I don't think we'll ever know for sure. There will always be speculation and scepticism, even if 'the inevitable truth' is handed to us.

No offense intended, but I find it a disturbing that you base your decisions and actions on a fear of consequences, or judgment, when you die, and actually believe that society as we know it would effectively cease to exist if that fear is taken away. Several societies around the world are based on common sense and

I don't know what a hashtag is. *blush* Well, I know what it looks like, obviously, but have no real idea what it's used for.

It reminds me of MAD Magazines movie spoofs.

As someone who have had to support my mom through various Nokias, Samsungs, SEs until she finally bought an iphone, I would disagree with both of you :)

No way! I think I know him too!

My ex-girlfriends mom used to think that she had to rewind her cd's. In fact, not only did she think it, she actually did it...

They forgot the part where aliens buried a black monolithic slab. Just watch the documentary 'Space Odyssey 2001' and you'll see what I mean...

I think you're missing the point. Those people don't need to hear it. Ipad customers are not going to buy an iPad 3 because they believe it's 4 times faster than everything else. Ipad users/buyers (or at least those that I deal with every day) don't really care about benchmarks. They don't care if the hardware specs

You didn't watch it right then...

Whatever float your balls man...

I completely agree with you. I love the trackpad on my macbook pro and when I bought my imac, I bought a magic trackpad to have the same useful gestures and because I really don't like the magic mouse. However, for Photoshop and 3DS (and gaming) the trackpad just isn't precise enough and I actually ended up plugging

BGR apparently reads Giz (including the comments):

Phone? Tablet?

Don't worry, some of us do...

It's HIM!!

Probably, and it will look NOTHING like this one!!

Wait, are you saying that the iPhone is gay?!?