
Disregard any comment on the recipe which include the word “substituted”. If you substituted any ingredient for any reason, you have no right to post an opinion on that recipe: you followed some other recipe. Likes or ratings are useless: Disregard any comment which rates a recipe but mentions that they haven’t actuall

If you ask most people to list twenty “good” boxing movies, half of the list will be Rocky movies, just because they wouldn’t remember that many boxing movies until you mention them.

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Bonnie Raitt and Was (Not Was) singing Disney

I was taught to interact with adults with directness and respect, not as a sign of deference. So my past didn’t ever include using Sir or Ma’am: speaking with adults only demanded honesty and politeness - which means I can’t say it without some deeply buried sarcasm.

Many many years ago, I remember watching footage of President Reagan attending a Gospel church service. The man couldn’t clap in rhythm to save his life. I nearly died laughing as he repeatedly missed any beat at all while staring intently as his wife’s hands and trying to clap in time with her. And failing. If I

“there’s nothing worse than a neighbor with a yappy dog.”

There were also several times Richard Belzer appeared as a character who was obviously Munch but bore a different name for legal (often network related) reasons, such as Mad About You and Sesame Street.

In Texas, practically every chain has arrangements to carry Dr. Pepper.  In some regions, it is bottled by Pepsi, in others, by Coke.

Two facts:

The most effective response is often “Why?”

Carnivale could easily find a home in the streaming landscape today. That final shot had me primed for season 3 and then they pulled the plug on it.

A while back, I remember that there was a national politician who switched his affiliation from a party to Independent, but he had the integrity to wait until the end of his term so that he would have to be re-elected AS an Independent, rather than double-crossing the people who voted for him. He was re-elected, but,

I notice you can’t buy a 3X. Do you have to actually wear it? I suppose I could buy a small and wear it as a bandana.

I remember going to see the Texas Rangers in their original ballpark back in the seventies. Metal bleachers that made deafening noises on bat night, 108° in the shade. If they hadn’t had water fountains (with really long lines) we’d never have made it out alive. —but if you ever get to go see their spring training

Did you notice who the street vendor was? Look it up. This was a joke for film buffs.

One of the first reports after taking charge was the Musk was asking for a report on which coders had submitted the most lines of code in order to identify “low producing” coders. Experienced coders immediately pointed out that coders working on the most difficult problems are the ones who submit the least code just

If God hates all the same things that you hate, it’s pretty certain that you’ve created God in your own image.

Give it a year.

I wonder if they even know about DC Comics’ character Trigon. Making all you kids characters look as if they were possessed by a demon couldn’t have been an intentional strategy.