
The Spanish Dracula is notable because - even though the script is pretty much a direct translation - the cinematographer stayed on the set during the daytime to watch the American team set up shots, while he crept around the set, finding better angles to shoot for his own film. The result is a more beautiful film

MORIARTY - but not.

Does the show attempt to establish that the British personality was, in fact, his original one? Couldn’t not actually being British justify a truly awful fake British accent?  I know they’ve strayed pretty far from the conical comic origin.

Several of my favorite chicken recipes use peanut butter, so I could dig this. Just don’t use enough to make it sloppy. I’m just not sure how the taste would mix with cheese. But definitely add a fried egg!

Location Services are required to calculate an estimated arrival time, but very few places use it to actually track you to their location or get notifications when you park: App ordering just gives them a way to avoid the time lost collecting your order verbally while you are waiting. Too many people order but don’t

Taco Bell: Good App, but not always accurate about which shops serve breakfast. Have placed breakfast orders for shops that were actually closed. I think this is because they can’t always get breakfast staffing. Best Feature: When you don’t use the app to order, you can get a receipt and use the app to add the order

I once got a short-term gig in an office, training them to use some software. One of the women there bore such a strong resemblance (visual and vocal) to one of my friends, I wound up asking that friend if she had a sister I’d never heard of (She was adopted, which didn’t resolve the issue.) On the final day of the job

In the past four decades, the official legal defense of every single politician has becomeI am an illiterate idiot who possesses absolutely no long-term memory.

Now playing

So somebody saw a commercial for AppleTV’s Swan Song and asked “What if this were a comedy?”

Until “metaverse” software integrates with the Unreal Engine, every implementation will look extraordinarily silly.

Five year olds can handle far more complex themes than their conservative, butt-clenched parents.

“We’re looking, ultimately, to make a hopeful and uplifting story.”

I develop websites, and I was recruited to build a personal site for a woman on the Texas Schoolbook Committee. I read up on her history, and discovered a history of hateful, vile discrimination and censorship through her book endorsements, along with ambitions to extend her reach to national proportions. I refused

Now playing

This may help people understand how the next step happens.

During the initial wave, when NYC was struggling to find place to store the bodies, it was reported that EMTs and Medical Examiners were instructed to not attribute COVID to the deaths of people who were discovered in their apartments unless there was hard evidence - which meant that unless there was evidence at the

Little known fact: Yellowstone has some of the greatest scenic views in the park system, visible from its small number of roads which loop around the park, spots where the landscape just goes on for miles and miles. But many of those views didn’t exist when the roads were built - trees next to the roads blocked many

Um, didn’t the Snyder cut of Justice League go straight to HBO Max? Odd as it was, it wasn’t exactly “minor”.

Well, they did have a bright blue monkey. And pointed ears are often shorthand for ‘alien. I guess you were having an off year.

As long as you can also vote for the #OscarsCringeMoment.