
Don’t forget Apple’s Emate. Sort of a laptop, and about as weird as it gets.

Running around a field with a broomstick between your legs must lead to some of the most embarrassing sports-related injuries on the face of the planet.

The Last Jedi angered SW fanbois so much that they designed Rise of Skywalker, which succeeded in disappointing almost all old SW fans.

It’s easy to pretend that it’s fanfic.

Sure, it will hurt the big corporations, but it may create more players who will surely benefit from the same behaviors, even if they can’t do it so efficiently. How will that benefit anyone else?

Same problems, more players? Does that really help anyone but the players?

Well over half of these films have been on regular TV in the past week. They’re not forgotten, they’re just not talked about, a couple of them for very specific reasons.

OK, gyroscopes are cool, but that’s using an awful lot of energy just to stay upright.

I was once hired to create a professional website for a member of the Texas State Board of Education’s schoolbook selection committee. During the discovery process, we learned that she wanted to use the site to publicly argue for teaching creationism, the eradication of evolution, discrediting climate science and the

He doesn’t get out much.

Your wish is granted.

Yep, stay in quiet and distant if bison or elk are near: they are accustomed to tourists and traffic, and they seem quiet, placid and genial UNTIL THEY AREN’T. You do NOT want to be the exception. In the offseason I saw several STUPID STUPID people trying to take bison selfies, which meant they went way too close and

Rent a house near the park and drive in early. It’s not hard (and not very expensive) to rent a nice house within half an hour of the west entrance. Visit at the beginning or end of the tourist season, not the peak of summer. In mid September, we went from T-shirt weather to a modest snowfall back to T-shirt weather

I’m concerned about the kids, but does a random Senator from Oregon have any authority over the facility or the program? If not, he’s a tourist, just like you or I would be. To just show up and expect to magically open all doors is an exercise in arrogance, just like the actions of most politicians. HE WANTED A

The second half of your definition is a fairly specialized instance of racism, while thew first half is quite sufficient. Racism can be a philosophy, but most of the time, racist behavior in and of itself qualifies as racism. The “why” of it is nitpicking.

Now that’s an awfully polite way to describe the governor and his staff.

“I remember that just because somebody framed a newspaper clipping for my office wall.”