
I’ve been a big fan of the Mega Bloks line and have collected a lot of the sets over the years, and will continue to as well. However, those figures look horrible. Far too thin. The vehicles look amazing, the energy sword looks amazing, the BoomCo line continues to look amazing but, those figures look horrid. I don’t

Better than puppy monkey baby.

The official soft drink of Ouran Academy.

It’s because of the fact that most people have sold their previous gen-consoles to pay for their next-gen ones. They aren’t able to play the games they loved on the new consoles save for a few ports or remakes that cost another $40-$60. And if they didn’t, they may not have the 360/PS3 plugged in and have it just

Um, Xbox One has just as much, hell probably even more with backwards compatibility, than PS4.

Oh I’ve heard about it coming soon. The problem is that soon is not now.

The problem with that is you can play the game right now if you own it digitally.

All I need now is Halo Wars and Splinter Cell Blacklist and I’ll have all the games I need for backwards compatibility.

I’m sorry but nothing PS4 has made will beat the Kinect Star Wars Xbox 360, save for the 20th Anniversary edition.

Why can’t PS4 make a good special edition console? I mean look at the Battlefront PS4 vs the Kinect Star Wars 360! They changed the colors to make it look like R2-D2, gave it a C3P0 controller, it just looked amazing. PS4? Slap Darth Vader onto it and and changed some colors of the controller. I could buy an Xbox One

I know but it doesn’t function like a pelican, if it was a Phaeton it’d be much better but the vehicle welding glitch doesn’t work with it.

People have also made flyable X-Wings and even the Millennium Falcon using this trick with Banshees. Wish the welding would work with the Pheaton so we could have a proper Pelican

I need to pick this up. LEGO’s always had some of the best humor in games and this looks amazing

That sucks, hopefully it’ll be a Games with Gold so more people can get it.

I guess. I sometimes forget it’s on consoles.

I bought the first game two weeks after the initial release date and fell in love with it. The characters, comedy, crazy class variants, and much much more created an amazing third person shooter that I’ve poured months into. I haven’t played it as often as of recent but the sequel’s going to bring me back to the

Yeah Forged suck big time. Thank god I had power armor going in there.

It’s almost like someone slept through the beginning of the zombie apocalypse and step outside to see the barren wasteland that the country has come to, forgetting to put any pants or a shirt on, as a horde spots and comes after him.

Halo 5’s campaign

All I see is a Titan wielding an energy sword in a green/yellow color scheme and the Triforce plastered everywhere. And I love it.