Is this how one determines all white people are racist? Because they deny it? If that’s the metric, the puritans have good tests to confirm this sort of thing.
Is this how one determines all white people are racist? Because they deny it? If that’s the metric, the puritans have good tests to confirm this sort of thing.
Are these racist assholes or was this a misguided and poorly phrased attempt to express that racism is deeply ingrained in American culture? Shitheels or Dipshits, in other words?
Joe West’s wattle looks like a large enough target, goes double for Ángel Hernández’s ego.
What was not covered, was the fact the handlebars were just delivered prior to the race in an ACME box by a coyote.
Still somehow less annoying than vuvuzelas.
People are over the hurricane coverage and need something to be outraged about.
No, I was tldr your post. I agree.
Came here for the generic drivel... wasn’t disappointed.
Sorry man. One day the Yankees’ ship will come in.
man. Watching the outrage over this whole thing has been a little baffling. As a left-leaning Independent, if that were an employee of mine at a company where alienating people no matter what they believe was of the utmost importance, I’d say her tweets crossed a line too. I honestly have no problem with the apology…
I honestly just want a normal sportcenter back for the 6pm slot so if this is how it has to happen so be it. The 6 is terrible and everyone knows it.
I’m sorry, but the idea is only 50% racist. The other 50% is merely prejudiced or bigoted but not racist. /s
You bloggers don’t seem to be too sad that your industry is putting newspapers out of business.
Its a dumb idea for the exact reason you pointed out, vending machines already exist. They can even be used for perishable items as well.
While we can agree this product is a bad idea, there isn’t anything racist about it. Hell, the one dude isn’t even white and according to the new definition of racist, an Indian dude cannot be racist. He doesn’t have the power.
“4/ Between the hours of 12AM and 6AM, all these machines will be covered in either piss or homeless people. Or both.”
Question: are food processors racist for putting sauerkraut men (door-to-door cabbage slicers) out of work?
Better than Hamilton Nolan’s: “Approximately 563 Low-Income Condos Could Be Built If Conor McGregor Were to Choke Out Russian Billionaire and Sell His Ship”
That is what the article argues for, yes.
I literally never would have heard about this function if you had not written this article, but since the pictures you posted of that white dude looking completely different clearly demonstrate that the app is effective, I kinda want to try it now. Thanks for the recommendation!