
Reminded me of Jim Belushi in "The Fury."

Thought I saw Truckasaurus back there somewhere.

It would explain why Tom Brady always gets voted Homecoming King.

I hear that Johnny Walker, PhD, is a psychiatrist, and he's pretty cheap…

And I read 1984 because I wanted to; it was never assigned. Probably because ours was a class of didgits idjits.

Morton does state candidates have been moved around so that one of them would become available to the Robocop program. It's part of the elevator scene right after Jones's ED-209 fails to hear the pistol hit the carpet. Murphy's first day in his new district…

I feel sad this comment was deleted before I got here; I was out getting groceries for the cats, as well as some skunk smell destroyer.

Dammit, fuck me for not scrolling (again).

Urinal cake, like a fucking charm.

Not since October, and not six cupboards' worth.

The neighbors all have cameras, Animal Control won't let me back because of last year's pickled pigs' feet fiasco, so…what's next?

Not that it's bad by any means, but when you can guess punchlines, it doesn't matter how they're delivered. The show loses my focus, and I look for unsullied Doritos in the catbox. I have to keep them there; my cupboards are full of catshit (I'm saving up because I can see where this market's headed).

I sure wish more of Sayles's work were on BluRay.
Fucking Shame.

"…the self-explanatory Natives…"

I will have you know it is in the finest of prints, and I was without my spectaclers.

Missed opportunity when the puncher failed to say, "it's time to Dick Spencer some justice!"

I could never finish two eye rolls at once, much less an ENTIRE one!

Is season 2 more of the same? It's been kinda hard to finish 1.

Her one-woman "play" was three hours long, and you could see it only in consecutive installments over six weeks. And it still didn't have a decent ending.

I gave that cat back, man.