
"Why are there semen stains that appear to be outlines of silverware?"

Also of note: tunes about drinking beer in a pick-up truck tend to be more popular than tunes about drinking beer from a pick-up truck.

Then we have plenty of action stars who have great physicality but aren't known for their acting chops.

Reminds me, I gotta pick up some klim after work.

Robin Williams will probably have to kill himself next year, too, if he wants to remain #1.

i might watch the next season, but they'll really need to sex it up.

I've been watching credits since Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I was one of the few people to see "the apology" at the end of the last Matrix movie.

We'll get back by scamming them into drawing red circles around their fifth nipple.

"That's why picking up French and Japanese were the best things to happen to me as a human being…"

"…the low man on the totem pole…"

I saw it when it came out, and it reinforced a few things I had going on back then. I had a basic understanding of the science, so when it went off the rails, I just "What the…" and sat back. The end, with Max glancing about—coupled with the loneliness drilled into me via Sesame Street—really did a number on me. I was

Like when Christopher Reeve sees the penny?

By its definition, "genocide" is meant to be carried out on a massive scale, not "I want to commit mass genocide on all the people ahead of me in line."

i fucking HATE encyclopedia brown because it gave a bullshit resolution to a bullshit story. and since it failed to follow any logistical structure (CHOCOLATE MELTS IN THE SUMMERTIME, ASSHOLE!), i quit reading in utter disgust.

i fucking HATE encyclopedia brown because it gave a bullshit resolution to a bullshit story. and since it failed to follow any logistical structure (CHOCOLATE MELTS IN THE SUMMERTIME, ASSHOLE!), i quit reading in utter disgust.

Oooohhhhh, so that's its name. For the longest time I thought it was a porno called "Mr. Holland, Soap Us."

Oooohhhhh, so that's its name. For the longest time I thought it was a porno called "Mr. Holland, Soap Us."

Natives' most hated pop culture character is Lt. Dunbar (Dances with Wolves).

"Either Dee has to have an abortion (which is tricky to make funny)…"