I personally think Fantastic Mr. Fox is Wes Anderson’s best movie, even though Anjelica Huston and Gene Hackman are really really really good in Tenenbaums.
I personally think Fantastic Mr. Fox is Wes Anderson’s best movie, even though Anjelica Huston and Gene Hackman are really really really good in Tenenbaums.
I was pretty dismissive of all the people saying the move was gonna make the site suck. I never even liked Disqus. This new website however sucks. I don’t understand the layout and the way the articles are presented (the titles even look more clickbait-y then they used to) and there is all this other crap I never…
Nested. Comments.
I have no idea what a Zazu is, but no one deserves to die of Cancer at 28.
Many of the purchases will be by people who want to play Skyrim again in a portable format.
Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup and Poochie.
Let the Bears pay the Bear tax. I pay the Homer tax.