
Weren't there supposed iPhone 5S parts leaked a month ago?

heeeey.... is that why you're instead on the Gizmodo message boards?

ew, never seen cards like that before.

the future of toys! Color/gender/race/occupation/interest/religion neutral! Unless you're against them being taken out of their natural habitats.

In their original announcement of the settlement, they said that there would be a “one-time payment and on-going payments”. They haven't disclosed anything else about the on-going payments, unless those terms have changed.

The triads were a big part of Hong Kong's film industry (still are, but they've gone more "legit"). Many big stars were forced to participate in their productions, including Jackie Chan and Stephen Chow. Heck, Stephen Chow wasn't allowed to come to Canada because of the supposed links he has to the triads due in part

well as long as the name doesn't refer to its off-contract price.

I still haven't downloaded any issues other than the free ones. Was tempted to last Marvel Monday, when they had Runaway issues for $.99 each because I love that series.... but I didn't pay much more than that for the hardcover collections... maybe in the future, when they include the codes with the trades (I know

The margins just aren't good and Cisco wants to get back and focus on what they do best: corporate sales. They've already discontinued some of their other consumer oriented ventures like the Flip cameras.

Batman: Dead End? A fan film's logo?!?

Just because a show has nudity on it, doesn't mean all the actors and actresses are obligated to be nude on it... which we're all grateful for, having never had to see a L'il Steve Buscemi.

I wouldn't "boo" that other nurse either; she may have took Jacintha at her word, that the person on the line was someone authorized to know about medical information, as I would expect the vetting process be done by reception first before transferring the call over. If my secretary forwarded a call over, and said

Chairman of Samsung's been caught before, charged, convicted with a $347m fine and 7 year prison sentence, reduced to $109m and suspended 3 years, then pardoned by the South Korean President... so it's not that they don't get called to task... oh and then of course, he gets to rejoin the company in the same role and

*correction: He's the Goddamn Batman.

The opposite kind of happened to me from The Source in Canada... I ordered 2x Sony Headphones, received 1x and someone from another province's receipt. So that lucky schmuck probably got my 2x headphones and I got my second one later :( Though... I do still have his receipt since Source didn't want it back! I know

Your suggestion would need further revision; he didn't just try, he did hide the cobra in the carry-on. But as with most men and their snakes, he couldn't sit still for an entire plane ride without wanting to fiddle with it.

The Avengers Phase One set would be an awful gift to open up this Christmas... because it's not coming out until next April :(

"So if you're looking for an Apple product on the cheap, paying no tax on eBay might save you a few bucks."

The undoctored truth earthwulf doesn't want you to see.

"Only an idiot would drive around a school bus." Yeaaaah, that's not the sign... or else that could also be read as school bus drivers are idiots...